On Mon, 5 May 2014 05:23:32 -0400, you wrote:

>On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 12:20 AM, Steve Blackmore <st...@pilotltd.net> wrote:
>> Jon - http://imagebin.org/309092
>> Tip of camera just touching surface. That's a 0.1mm gap set on the jaws
>> of my Mitu digimatic calipers. The ground surface looks good until you
>> zoom in :) Plenty good enough to find an edge.
>> Steve Blackmore
>Jeez Steve, pretty rough lookin' set of calipers.  A bit harsh on our kit,
>are we?  ;-)

Nahh - that's what a ground finish looks like at 200X mag. Looks worse
due to reflections. However, they are a 10 year old pair that live in
the shop, get covered in swarf, coolant, oil and whatever and haven't
seen the inside of their case in many years.

I've a good set I keep in their case for show :)

Steve Blackmore

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