On Tue, 22 Jul 2014 15:45:22 -0500, you wrote:

>On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 08:57:21PM +0100, Steve Blackmore wrote:
>> On Tue, 22 Jul 2014 08:06:43 -0600, you wrote:
>> >
>> >The new trajectory planner is not in 2.6.  It's in the master branch and
>> >will be part of 2.7. 
>> Why? 
>The most recent bugfix in the new trajectory planner was yesterday.
>It looks like rotary axes didn't work right before that.  Other
>recent changes have fixed incorrect threading behavior.  It has not
>seen wide use on a variety of real machines.  It is simply not ready
>to be in the stable release yet.

Is there an up to date list of bugs or bug fixes anywhere for anything?
Not seen anything saying it wasn't working properly only praise here
that it was!

Perhaps if some openness was used instead of the old boys committee
system people might understand a bit better. 

Been no reminders of "meetings" lately - have they died a death

>Here is what I do know for sure: if the new planner is important to
>you, you SHOULD BE TESTING IT to make sure it's ready for 2.7.  

>Since you are obviously affected by current planner limitations,
>doing testing in your environment would not only help YOU
>immediately, but would help everyone have a more stable 2.7 release.
>It may also help the 2.7 release come sooner.
>You have easy access to this code.  It has never been easier to test
>master builds, now that buildbot makes packages automatically 

Buildbot? - Where, How? If nobody is testing it still must be too
difficult to download/install.

Just searched for it in Wiki  --- Buildbot page errors with 

Service Temporarily Unavailable

Good start.....

Steve Blackmore

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