Look at the video dates.

The auto-retract was an initial proof of concept, about 2 years ago.

The keyboard jogging video (link below) was from about a year ago, when
the jog-while-paused feature was pretty much finished (at least as much
as Michael Haberler wanted to tackle at the time).

Details on setup and the g.l.o. branch(s) with the jog-while-paused code
should be in the LinuxCNC Dev-list archives...I'd start looking around
early Oct., 2013 (the video below was posted Oct. 6, 2013).

On 11/22/2014 9:11 AM, Jeff Johnson wrote:
> What is the difference in this patch? Where the retract moves are actually
> controlled by the keyboard. Everything is in axis and I suspect more higher
> end users are using some form of Gscreen.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNuu_D4X_EM
> It may be the same thing when I watched the other video it looked like the
> tool retracted automatically when the pause was activated.
> Jeff Johnson

Charles Steinkuehler

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