The aquaium pump should keep the sump aerobic. I suppose adding a bit of peroxide from time to time would do the same thing. If you let the sump go reducing (anaerobic) then the beastie that grow make volatile fatty acids and other wonderful smelling ( :-(  ) by-products.
I live in a high desert area and do not seem to have an odor problem.
Obviously YMMV.

On 11/3/21 11:34 PM, John Dammeyer wrote:
I used the big 1/2" one for the large pocket and the smaller 5mm one for the 
smaller pocket and profile.  The surface finish, given my crappy cast aluminium, was 
really nice.

My mill does have a coolant pump but I don't know if I use the mill often 
enough to fill the reservoir with coolant that then goes mouldy and stinky.  So 
I'm working on a compressed air mist coolant system.  But maybe having a 
secondary reservoir that pumps out the main one and adds an aquarium bubbler 
would work for the flood system.  So in the last 12 years I've never used 


-----Original Message-----
From: andrew beck []
Sent: November-03-21 10:52 PM
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Project Progress

What cutters are you using?

As a sideline here in New Zealand I buy and sell tooling so I'm always
testing the limits.

And can probably advise a bit

On Thu, 4 Nov 2021, 11:29 John Dammeyer, <> wrote:

I've been using LCNC quite a bit (for me).   In the photo there are two
steel spring collars that were entirely done with the mill.  I could have
left them as large disks with just a stepped hole and the set screw holes
but what's the fun in that.

The spindle cover casting (10lbs of scrap aluminium) was machined in the
places I needed flat surfaces and to get rid of a bit of sag in the casting
mostly for looks.  I'd occasionally spray a bit of WD-40 but mostly just
held the shop vac to clean up the chips.

Essentially between 1000 and 2000 RPM, 2 flute 1/2" end mill, 25% step
over, about 2.5 to 5 IPM IPM and a depth of cut of about 0.1" for each
pass.  This created chips that did not melt onto the tool bit and left a
quite nice smooth finish.

But with those parameters it did take quite a while.  OTOH, it ran
automatically and other than check on it periodically and vacuum or blow
away chips I could do other things nearby.

If I enter the parameters into Machinist Toolbox with a target RPM of 1500
I see it suggests a tool feed rate of 21 IPM.  I think that would melt the
chips without flood coolant.  Since I didn't want to screw it up and have
to cast it all over again I was very conservative.

Was I too conservative on this?   It's been suggested by a friend who runs
MACH3 that he dials in a much faster feed and spindle rate and then hauls
back on the sliders to reduce it to very slow and then in small steps bumps
up the speed until it feels right.

Suggestions are welcome.
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