On 12/5/23 11:26, Todd Zuercher wrote:
I think all Fanuc red cap encoders are digital.  The question marks are if the 
coms signal is differential quadrature or serial and if serial what format, and 
what the commutation tracks/signals are or if they are rolled into the absolute 
encoder serial signal.

The original red cap encoders were standard quadrature with index, but with proprietary commutation on 4 Gray-code signals. Later encoders (serial pulse coder) were all serial and interpolated a 2048-cycle analog quadrature disc into some higher resolution code.  Anywhere from 32K to 1 million counts/rev.  The digital data is a 77-bit stream at 1.024 MBits/second, at least on the ones I have deciphered.

Obviously, the reason was that sending 1 Million counts/rev was impractical with quadrature.


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