On 12/18/23 12:04, Alan Thomason via Emc-users wrote:
Hi Thereā€¦

We have a positioning machine that uses linuxcnc that we want to better 
automate the restart procedure.  Is it possible to script in the initial file 
for the system to switch to Machine ON (as long as there are no active limit 

This machine is inaccessible to humans without turning off power, so there is 
no safety concern.

Thanks so much,


All of my machines are power controlled 100% by the state of the F2 key, by shipping its state out to a breakout pin or 2, which in turn trigger a block of 60 amp 600 volt SSR's that control all power to the machine.

By the same idea, any error reported by these new stepper/servo's knocks F2 down from the e-stop circuit that signal is coupled to.

Since these stepper/servo closed loop drivers need a power down cycle to recover, this is the first step in recovery from an error.

Fix the cause of the error like a wrench left on the table or??? remove the tool or not depending on how it moves to home because it will need rehomed, hit f2 to repower the machine, rehome it and either hit run to carve air, or if feasible, run from line after reinstalling the tool if it was removed to home it safely.

Sent from my iPhone

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