
I would like to setup/configure EMMS to be like a "file/file-system
oriented music player", is that possible?

It's probably good to explain further and give some examples of such music
players that I'm thinking of: MOC (console application), Audacious
(graphical program).

You could really just say that I would like to configure EMMS to be a clone
of MOC, in other words.
Here's a good video demonstrating MOC, the video also nicely demonstrates
the working principle of the player:

Briefly put: A dired-window (or something similar) on one side, where I
browse and add stuff: single files, folders, playlist-files (.pls, .m3u
et.c.) and a playlist-window on the other side where things get added.

Does anyone already have something similar put together? (So I can just
copy your dot-emacs :) )

All help welcome.
Best Regards

(P.S. The paradigm "file/file-system oriented music player" can be
understood as opposed to the paradigm where the music player is oriented
around an internal media-library)

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