just before the dawn of the weekend,
I'd like to echo what Christina wrote regarding the interview/conversation
between Raúl Ruiz and Kriss  Ravetto   --


it is truly wonderful, listening to Ruiz,  and what he says regarding poetry 
and cinema,
yet in light of last week's discussion (and James's posts), the final part of 
the interview
is stunning (after the clip of "Le Don" was shown).  Here Ruiz discusses the
idea of (self) "re-ethnification" of indigenous people in Latin America (in 
while pointing to his cinematic allegory of the blind filmmaker telling the
story of the "gift" to the Coya people:  (one projector, one radio) which they 
take apart and rebuild in wood.  

In light of what James claimed:
However, it seems to make little or no sense to call any of these things 'art', 
as they are not separated from everyday and prosaic acts - and those acts, as I 
have said, are the ones that reproduces the world (makes it appear over and 
again - Latour)  in the form recognisable as a human world, to Reite people. 
But unlike the world Latour describes, they are not in the business of 
consciously creating 'the social', or 'society' as an entity that can be 
discussed, analysed etc..>>

It appears that conscious self-re-ethnification (ironically savvy) require 
considerably creativity that, hmm, may or may not be recognized by the people, 
but most likely is, as their or our cosmology is examined and narrated. I won't 
comment on the ethnographer's perspective, western or non western, that's a 
much longer discussion, yet i was not sure why no one questioned James' 
narrative last week in the least, surprisingly.
But now James is off line, Simon says. (why sorry?, am I missing a pun, as non 
native english speaker?).  May I ask Kriss whether she likes to comment on "Le 
Don" ?

with regards
Johannes Birringer


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