On 2/19/23 17:34, Bradley Reed wrote:
I have a well working Slackware laptop that uses ALSA/PulseAudio for sound.
My install of E16 works fine in that setup. There is a lot of talk in the
Slackware forums about going to pipewire and I was curious if anyone was
currently using it with E16.

The main config changes appear to be disabling the pulseaudio autospawn and
loading three .desktop files:

/etc/xdg/autostart/pipewire-media-session.desktop (likely to be replaced by

Is E16 able to use the .desktop files? Or would I have to migrate the
relevant commands into the $HOME/.e16/Init/init.sh script?

I'm sure I probably have used the two together at some point although generally I use a more modern version of Enlightenment. On most distro's both Pipewire and Wireplumber run as "systemd user services" so its likely that your changes will be atleast somewhat slackware specific.

Desktop files aren't executable on there own but you should be able to use xdg-open to run them as far as I can see e16 doesn't have a graphical way of executing autostart desktop files in the same way later versions of e does but maybe there is a special directory you can use.

Simon Lees (Simotek)                            http://simotek.net

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