* focus:


I had not catched this detail before, because I always move mouse directly over mutually recovering windows, but, if I pass out of decoration, over the background, then, the bug does not occur.

The bug is not specific to those terms; also happens with Thunderbird composition, Firefox ...

Systematic, 100% repro.

* mouse lost in void

Very rare; a few times a month.

Ticked the disable option; will see.

On 05/04/2023 18:47, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
On Sun, 2 Apr 2023 16:40:57 +0200 Benoît-Pierre Demaine <ben...@demaine.info>

Hello. I am not going to stay subscribed to this ML after my issue is

Using E17 since ... almost 17 or 18y ? and I had always set it to select
window under the pointer. Always worked fine, whatever the monitor count.

Since my last installation (december 2021) there is an edge case where
it does not. When I have several monitors, windows belongs to right
monitor, extended to both, covers a windows on left monitor, and move
cursor from the pure left window, to the win that covers both monitor.

In this specific case, the larg window is selected for an instant, then
loses focus. This is ennoying because to focus the win, I can't just
move the cursor 100 pixels, I have to move it to the other monitor ...
far far far away. This prevents me using small touchpad/trackpoint for
focus change.

Is it a bug, or a configuration issue ? How to fix ?
this smells like a bug but i'd like to see a video of it to be sure.


I also happen to loose the cursor from time to time; that bug had been
existing 15y ago for window placement and window move, and a specific
feature had been added to fix it "window recovery"; the feature had been
later removed because the core code became solid enough to never let the
issue happen again. But now, I have it with the cursor:

when monitors don't have the same size, it may happen, a few times a
day, that moving the cursor from the bigger monitor, to the smaller one,
via the "step", traps the cursor into the black zone. Never could find a
good repro; and it's pretty hard to liberate the mouse out of the
prison. But sometimes, the cursor get trapped outside of the visible
space, in the VOID.
this shouldn't happen - e does set screen boundaries/limits to stop this from
happening. you could try disable pointer warping/moving in focus setting sin
case its a pointer warp that does it?

   >o_/ DEMAINE Benoît-Pierre (aka DoubleHP) http://benoit.demaine.info/
If computing were an exact science, IT engineers would'nt have work \_o<

"So all that's left, Is the proof that love's not only blind but deaf."

enlightenment-users mailing list

 >o_/ DEMAINE Benoît-Pierre (aka DoubleHP) http://benoit.demaine.info/
If computing were an exact science, IT engineers would'nt have work \_o<

"So all that's left, Is the proof that love's not only blind but deaf."

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