On Fri Apr 20 2018 22:14:04 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time), John R.
Sweet <j...@johnrsweet.com> wrote:
> This conflict between "modern javascript" and legacy extensions --
> or whatever the heck is going on -- is a really bad situation. We
> need a couple of extensions that won't work past v 52esr and the
> later > versions *also* have serious layout issues as noted here
> previously. About a > week ago I tried to run a video [can't recall
> on what site] and was told it required the latest version of FF.
> Today I tried to look at an article on a newspaper site and it came
> up as a blank page with the> newspaper's masthead across the top.
> This whole thing is getting to be a *serious* issue of 
> functionality.
I used to have the same complaints... then I finally decided to try a
brand new clean profile without any Addons at first, and all of the
problems disappeared.

Then I slowly started adding Addons and fixing each one (first was
TreeStyle Tab) the way I wanted it (still not there, TreeStyle Tab still
can't hide/unhide itself on mouseover and you can't resize it - and life
without Tab Mix Plus is pretty lame), but it is much better than I
thought it was going to be.

I'm now mostly fine with the latest version and have no real problems. I
do keep a Portable version of 56.0.2 around for certain things (mostly
my old Passwordmaker Addon that I'm slowly migrating to KeePassXC).
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