Bellwether wrote:

> It's a 10GB database. There is no "quick" test, I think. Folders with
> subfolders and sub-subfolders have thousands of messages total.

Have you considered archiving some of your older mail in a separate
>> You can copy over the Rules file, but you will need to reset each folder. I
>> suspect you could get rid of many of your rules if you used categories. You
>> can contact me off list to discuss this.
> I already use Categories to visually differentiate mail -- I've assigned
> each one to a different client so that I can tell by color who is writing me
> (for example, six different project editors at the same publisher, each has
> a different Category so that her email shows up a different color in the
> client's folder -- and the client folder is a subfolder of the main client
> folder, which is a subfolder of Folders on my Computer).
You aren't taking advantage of how categories can be used in rules. If you
used, if in category client x, move mail to select folder. You can delete
all the if from using email address into one rule.

Assign them one category by client. You can have multiple categories per
contact. This way you will reduce your rules and still have your different
colored entries.
> Couldn't I simply back up this identity, then delete everything in it, and
> then import the backup? Or will that not give me a carbon copy of what I've
> got now? Why would I need to go the .rge route, I guess is my question?
That was what I was describing with the kerfluey Identity. I consider your
current Identity kerfluey with all the problems it has. You can do it with
the MBOX method, but that does not get tasks, notes, calendar events.
Entourage archive (.rge) is really easier to import and setup.


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