Roger S. Cohen wrote:

>     When I delete a large bunch of e-mails--as I just did, almost 500--I
> recover absolutely no increase in available disk space, not so much as a
> tenth of a MB, even though some of them had files and photos attached. (And
> I actually am deleting them from the Deleted Items folder, not just moving
> them there.)

 The database will be left with 'wasted' space in it every time you delete
something. However, this is not all bad, since the wasted space is used up
with new data as it is added. This way, over a period of time (assuming that
you are deleting stuff as you go) the database will probably reach an
optimum size, after which the stuff you delete is roughly equal to the stuff
you add, and no further growth takes place.

If you need to recover the wasted space on your hard disk, you will have to
do a 'typical' rebuild to compact the database. This will create a compacted
version of the database without the wasted space. You will then have to
manually delete the backup copies of the original database that the rebuild
process creates AFTER you are happy the new one is OK.

Rebuild Your Database <>


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