
the feature I've been lacking in epiphany for a while is the ability of
browsing the links with the keyboard. Of course, one can use the [Tab]
key to cycle through the links, but that can be very painful when there
are many links.

When I discovered konqueror's [Control] key behaviour (as shown on [1],
a keypress on [Control] adds some tooltips to the page, and one keypress
matching one of the displayed characters makes the browser jumps to the
matching link) I searched for such an extension for epiphany, but didn't
find any, so I decided to try to code one on my own. I've related my
random thoughts about this on [2].

 1. http://ikibiki.org/projects/epiphany-accessibility/konqueror-example1.png
 2. http://ikibiki.org/projects/epiphany-accessibility/

At the moment, I'm using and developing for epiphany 2.18.3 (debian
unstable) and epiphany-extensions 2.18.1, and the code is still located
in extensions/sample-mozilla, where I got the template I needed, and the
git tree (where the initial commit is the 2.18.1 source tree) is at [3].

 3. http://git.debian.org/?p=users/kibi-guest/epiphany-extensions.git

Do you feel like this kind of extension could be included in the
official extension set (not right now of course, it's still very
experimental and sometimes crashes)? Do you have any hint on what I
could implement in there, and how I could handle the customization of
the CSS style used to emphasize elements? (Maybe color selectors and
some fields/checkboxen to customize the border style, and eventually the
font size?)

There might be a better name than “Hotkeys”, too, suggestions are

Also, should I be developing against current epiphany sources only?
And/or already having a look at webkit? (Although supporting two
rendering engines shouldn't be that hard.)

Thank you in advance.


Cyril Brulebois

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