Huge number (260 red dwarfs within 32 light years) negate Big Bang
Theory! Even more black dwarfs possible.
Over 263 "M" main-sequence, red dwarf stars are currently believed to
be located within 10 parsecs (pc) -- or 32.6 light-years of Sol. Thus,
at least two-thirds (70 percent) of more than 370 stars and white and
brown dwarfs found thus far to be located within 10 pc are very dim
red dwarfs. At least 40 percent of some 260 red dwarfs have been
identified as flare and variable stars, and so are likely to be
"young" enough to be rotating rapidly and generating a dynamic
magnetic field. However, all are much dimmer, smaller, and less
massive than Sol.
Astronomers find more of these very dim main-sequence stars in the
Solar neighborhood every year. This is the result of astronomers
mobilizing themselves to detect these faint celestial neighbors with
better equipment and methods (i.e., through the Research Consortium on
Nearby Stars (RECONS), particularly in the southern hemisphere. As
shown in the following table, however, many more dim red dwarfs may
await detection within 10 light-years of Sol and beyond 20 light-years
from Sol.
Nearby Red Dwarf Stars by Distance
from Sol
(light-years)           Number
of Red
Dwarfs  Number
per Cubic
Light-Year              Flare or
Star*   Share
0 to 10         ...     7       0.0017  ...     7       100%
10 to 20        ...     79-80   0.0027  ...     47      60%
20 to 30        ...     132     0.0016  ...     35      27%
30 to 32.6      ...     45      0.0014  ...     16      36%
Total / Average         ...     263+    0.0018  ...     105     40

You can’t actually see black dwarfs because they are dead stars—carbon-
rich burned out cinders. They only possible way we can detect them is
when one accidentally travels between us and a visible star. The
chances of that happening are very remote. Our area of the galaxy
could be filled with old burned out carbon crisps, which means the
galaxy and the universe is very old.

It appears that galaxies make their own stars sending them out to the
outer fringe where eventually they burn out. The newer large stars
near the center of galaxies occasionally get bumped into highly
elliptical orbits around the massive black hole.

As they approach the black hole they accelerate toward it at
tremendous speeds and whip around the other side. They keep this up
until their orbit decays and they get sucked in or until the
gravitational influence of another nearby star directs them towards
the center where they disappear with a tremendous burst of energy and
cosmic rays into the event horizon—the place where the force of
gravity overcomes the speed of light and the mass of the photon.

Scientists estimate the amount of energy released when a marshmallow
falls into a neutron star is equivalent to the energy released by both
atomic bombs dropped on Japan. Later estimate of the power output of
neutron star energy are even more extreme.

Brown dwarfs form like stars
The discovery of a brown dwarf's bipolar molecular outflow offers
first strong evidence that these objects form through gravitational
Provided by Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysics

This artist's conception shows the brown dwarf ISO-Oph 102.
Observations by the Submillimeter Array suggest that it is forming
like a star, by accumulating material from the surrounding accretion
disk (orange) shown here. The brown dwarf sheds angular momentum by
ejecting material in two oppositely directed jets (red). Blue bow
shocks indicate where those jets are interacting with the interstellar
medium. ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. [View Larger Image]
December 4, 2008
Astronomers have uncovered strong evidence that brown dwarfs form like
stars. Using the Smithsonian's Submillimeter Array (SMA), they
detected carbon monoxide molecules shooting outward from the object
known as ISO-Oph 102. Such molecular outflows typically are seen
coming from young stars or protostars. This object has an estimated
mass of 60 Jupiters, meaning it is too small to be a star. Astronomers
have classified it as a brown dwarf.

Brown dwarfs are on the dividing line between planets and stars, and
they generally have masses between 15 and 75 Jupiters. (The
theoretical minimum mass for a star to sustain nuclear fusion is 75
times Jupiter.) As a result, brown dwarfs are sometimes called failed
stars. It is not clear whether they form like stars, from the
gravitational collapse of gas clouds, or if they form like planets,
agglomerating rocky material until they grow massive enough to draw in
nearby gas.

A star forms when a cloud of interstellar gas draws itself together
through gravity, growing denser and hotter until fusion ignites. If
the initial gas cloud is rotating, that rotation will speed up as it
collapses inward, much like an ice skater drawing her arms in. To
gather mass, the young protostar must somehow shed that angular
momentum. It does this by spewing material in opposite directions as a
bipolar outflow.

A brown dwarf is less massive than a star, so there is less gravity
available to pull it together. As a result, astronomers debated
whether a brown dwarf could form the same way as a star. Previous
observations provided hints that they could. The serendipitous
discovery of a bipolar molecular outflow at ISO-Oph 102 offers the
first strong evidence in favor of brown dwarf formation through
gravitational collapse.

"We thought that any such outflow would be too weak to detect with
current facilities and would have to wait until a next-generation
instrument like ALMA [the Atacama Large Millimeter Array]," said Ngoc
Phan-Bao of the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and
Astrophysics (ASIAA), lead author on the paper announcing the find.
"This was a big surprise. Finding the molecular outflow with the SMA
shows the extraordinary capabilities of the array."

As might be expected, the outflow contains much less mass than the
outflow from a typical star: about 1,000 times less. The outflow rate
is also smaller by a factor of 100. In all respects, the molecular
outflow of ISO-Oph 102 is a scaled-down version of the outflow process
seen in young stars.

"These findings suggest that brown dwarfs and stars aren't different
because they formed in different ways," said Paul Ho, an astronomer at
the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and director of ASIAA.
"They share the same formation mechanism. Whether an object ends up as
a brown dwarf or star apparently depends only on the amount of
available material."
Brown dwarf is coldest known stellar object
Planet and dwarf gap narrows
The missing link

Even more black dwarfs and rogue planets possible.

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