Sorry for the confusion-- we're discussing a name for something that is not 
part of the current strawman. One of the things Sam and I were trying to do was 
separate the concerns of modularity and isolation. So there's a 
not-fully-worked-out strawman waiting to be written for isolation. That's what 
we're talking about a name for.

The rough idea of the impending strawman is that there would be the ability to 
create a new ModuleLoader with which one could load modules completely isolated 
from the current setting. Thus every instance of a module would be tied to a 
particular loader. Per loader, there would never be more than one instance of a 
given module, but in an application with multiple loaders, there might be 
multiple distinct instances of the same module.

Sorry to have confused things by discussing a non-existent (yet) proposal. :/


On Feb 3, 2010, at 4:50 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

> It’s still not clear to me what we are trying to name?
> According to the proposal, a Module is a syntactic element that is part of an 
> Application and Application can consist of multiple Modules.  A complete 
> Application is presumably represented by an external container such as a 
> source file so we will presumably “load” Applications, not Modules.  (If 
> “load” is even the correct concept, I don’t see any reasons  you couldn’t 
> build a Harmony implementation where you feed a bunch of such Application 
> source containers to an Harmony compiler that generated a self-contained 
> binary exe.  Where does the “loading” take place in that scenario?)
> Are we trying to name the specification mechanism that is used to describe 
> the semantic association between ImportDeclarations and ExportDeclarations or 
> are we trying to name a hypothetical extensible mechanism of a Harmony 
> implementation that is used to identify and located the external containers 
> of Applications, or are we naming a specific semantic abstraction that we 
> intend to reify that permits some sort of dynamic intercessions in the 
> binding of ModuleSpecifiers, or something else?
> (sorry, if I’m being a  pain about this but it is pretty clear that everybody 
> is reading lots of implications into the names that are being thrown around)
> Allen
> From: [] 
> On Behalf Of David Herman
> Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 4:07 PM
> To: Mark Miller
> Cc: es-discuss Steen
> Subject: Re: simple modules
> I like it. I might prefer "module loader" for a bit more concreteness. But it 
> has the benefit of concreteness and familiarity.
> Dave
> On Feb 3, 2010, at 4:03 PM, Mark Miller wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 3:11 PM, David Herman <> wrote:
> > Well, a "module system" is a language construct that provides modules. I 
> > think "sandbox" sort of suggests more isolation than is necessarily 
> > provided. PLT Scheme uses the worst possible name for the concept (I won't 
> > even say what it is, it's so awful).
> >
> > I'll think about alternatives and update the wiki.
> How about "module group"?
> Since, AFAICT, the concept being named here, in Java, corresponds to a 
> ClassLoader, I suggest "loader". (E calls these "loaders" as well.)
> Dave
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