> I wonder if you considered having an export list, rather than tagging the 
> individual exports?  I think that makes it easier to see/document the public 
> API of a module.  You could at the same time allow renaming on export.

Yes, this is a good point. We chose inline-export for convenience, but I don't 
see any reason not to allow both.

> FWIW, the rename on import looked "backwards" to me at first glance, but I 
> think I can learn.

Yeah, I'm not thrilled about how hard it is to remember which way it goes. I 
meant for it to be consistent with the syntax of destructuring:

    let { draw: d } = obj;
    import M.{ draw: d };

> Do we really need to say `.*` for all?  We couldn't just say `import Math`?

The proposal originally left out the '.*' and others didn't like it. But more 
importantly, this has subtler implications for nested modules, e.g. what the 
meaning of the following example is:

    module Outer { module Inner { ... } }
    import Outer.Inner;

The way we've written the proposal, any time you import a path without the 
'.{...}' syntax, you're importing a single binding. So import Outer.Inner is 
the same as

    import Outer.{Inner};

That is, it binds Inner locally to the Outer.Inner module instance.

Alternatively, we could a) disallow leaving off the '.{...}' for importing a 
single binding and 'import x1.---.xn' would only be allowed to specify a 
module-binding and would import all its exports, or b) allow leaving off the 
'.{...}' but specify that it imports just the single binding when it's a 
value-binding and imports-all when the path indicates a module-binding. I am a 
little concerned that the former is too restrictive and the latter too subtle. 
IMO. the extra '.*' is only a two-character hardship and EIBTI.


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