> Oh, but you probably meant that the module table form, besides being sugar, 
> is written in a restricted language that cannot have effects other than to 
> create module bindings -- cannot do document.write or 
> document.createElementNS("script") or whatever. In that case we'd want 
> type="harmony-module-table" or some such, and then such a script indeed would 
> allow layout to proceed immediately, and not block rendering.

Yes, sorry for the mixup. I should've written something like:

    <script type="harmony-module-configuration-table">
        { M1: "m1.js",
          M2: "m2.js",
          // ...

> Thinking about it more, simple modules let authors bundle things in .js 
> files, and src them with scripts. That's almost enough. Anything more, we do 
> not want to standardize prematurely.


> Simple modules are really about lexical scope all the way up, and guaranteed 
> errors (early errors, even), and static code partitioning with information 
> hiding, and of course the lexical-only module-binding namespace management.

Well put.


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