Le 03/04/2011 02:11, Brendan Eich a écrit :
> On Apr 2, 2011, at 4:19 PM, David Bruant wrote:
>> I have the feeling that none of these can help out with multiple 
>> inheritance. This is the problem I want to address.
> Why? I mean, given the WebIDL and DOM changes.
Because people want it; Node+EventTarget wasn't the only use case. I'll
take the number of article that pop up when typing "multiple inheritance
javascript" on Google as a proof.
Basically, people all do mixins which prevents them from using
instanceof. They often acknowledge that it is the only limitation [1]
[2] [3]. I have even seen people implementing an isInstanceOf function
[2] [3].
My initial proposal was an attempt to address this issue.

>> Is multiple inheritance a use case that TC39 intends to address in a generic 
>> manner?
> No.
It clarifies things. Thank you.


[2] http://www.polyglotinc.com/AJAXscratch/Class/InterfacesFromScratch.html
Taken from the 6 first Google search results for "multiple inheritance
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