Le 07/04/2011 20:39, Brendan Eich a écrit :
> On Apr 7, 2011, at 7:49 AM, Tom Van Cutsem wrote:
>> But again, I would hope that an implementation that supports both 
>> Object.freeze + proxies just supports freezing proxies via the fix() trap as 
>> per the draft spec. I don't see the need for such an implementation to 
>> additionally provide an explicit mechanism like Proxy.fix.
> Agreed.
> David, no need to overdesign for pathological partial-ES5 + Harmony-Proxies 
> implementations! That's just a non-goal.
I agree too as I said in my first reply. Nevertheless, partial ES5 is
not the only worry.
My understanding of the fix trap design is that it is called whenever a
language construct sets [[Extensible]] to false. We can expect ES
implementations with proxies to implement the current language
constructs which do so (Object.preventExtension|seal|freeze), I agree.
But no one can predict if an Object.* method which would set
[[Extensible]] to false will be added later. If it happens, people will
want to monkey-patch this method in implementations that don't support
it natively. (Partial ES5 was just one instanciation of this issue).
Like today, no worries to monkey-patch the behavior for regular objects,
but people will expect this method to have the correct behavior on
proxies too. Which means having a mechanism to call the "fix" trap (with
a way to distinguish call cases as suggested in
https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/es-discuss/2011-April/013577.html ?)
and to fix the proxy (TypeError||become). Without the distinction part,
Object.preventExtension fits the job. With the distinction part, a
Proxy.trap + Proxy.fix (or equivalent mechanisms) may be necessary.


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