Le 21/04/2011 02:00, Brendan Eich a écrit :
> We're generally against using the same syntax for notably different semantics.
I understand.

> The stringification of the key in obj[key] is fundamental to objects. It does 
> not apply to WeakMaps, so wm[obj] seems like a trap. Sometimes o[x] will 
> convert x to string and index, other times it will use an x object as a weak 
> map key.
However, I don't understand this point. If, as I suggested, semantics of
"MemberExpression [ Expression ]" was changed to branch depending on
"baseValue" (http://es5.github.com/#x11.2.1) type, then stringification
would be performed only when "baseValue" is evaluated as an object and
the object would be kept as the key (object reference without
stringification) if "baseValue" is evaluated as a weak map.

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