On Oct 13, 2011, at 3:55 PM, John J Barton wrote:

> Suppose for a moment we allowed objects on the RHS:
>    var o3 = p <| o2;
> Would we imagine that o2 was mutated in any way? I don't think so. Maybe 
> there are binary ops that mutate operands, but they don't come to mind. So 
> the entire business about mutation of [[ProtoLink]] is not related to my 
> interest in allowing object expressions on the RHS of protoLinkSet operator. 

Note that my original thoughts that lead to <| included the possibility that 
the RHS could be an arbitrary expression. In order to avoid [[Prototype]] 
mutation that meant that the RHS would have to be shallow cloned to produce a 
new object whose [[Prototype]] was the LHS value.  The semantics of cloning is 
not as trivial as somebody seems to assume and the primary use case I was 
trying to address ("subclass" Arrays , Functions, and other objects with 
special implementation level behaviors) didn't require it.  So it punted and 
specified that the RHS must be a literal.  This left open the possibility that 
at some future date we might want to reconsider that restriction. 

I still haven't found a really compelling use case for a non-literal <| RHS and 
a good definition for object cloning is still a nut to crack.  But both 
plausibly might occur.

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