On 11.11.2011 14:44, François REMY wrote:
I didn't read your first mail, I've to acknowledge. That doesn't change the fact the sample was reinventing the wheel.

I still don't see how your this sentence helps taking into account that I myself noted this case, sorry.

BTW,your samples all suffer from a big ambuiguity that I think is unresolvable.

   let a = if (foo) {
      print('a is foo');
   } else {
      // do some longer stuff

How do you know "foo" is an expression that should be assigned to "a" and that "print('a...')" is not?

Please concentrate on the main problem. Don't consider now some small non-essential issues of examples. In this proposal and the exact example it doesn't matter what is `foo` and to what it can be assigned.

In ECMAScript, each statement returns a value.

At implementation level. And it's good. It means the implementation will not require much modifications, since e.g. Block statement (12.1, ES5.1) returns as a result the value of last evaluated statement. So the thing is just allow this result to be assigned to the LHS. In other words, the ability to make the block and other statements as RHS, e.g. to make them expressions.

There's no way to find out if the statement is a "normal" statement or a "value" statement. To my understanding, there's no.

   let a = try {
       if(test()) {
           translate("test was true")
       } else {
           translate("test was false")
   } catch(ex) {
       translate("test has raised an exception")

Yes, this is completely OK. No worries for implementation. The only thing is to allow this `try` be RHS of the assignment. Now it's a syntax error.

Secondly, is it worth modifying the UA's compilers and JS syntax? What's what you gain, in terms of readability, in terms of facility, ... ?

I think it worth. Again, after Erlang I felt inconvenient that I have to (1) declare a var above and (2) provide assigned to the var in two (e.g.) if branches. I want to write only one assignment and to tell that the result of the assignment is the result of evaluating this complex expression. It's more convenient than to look inside long block body and to understand whether it assigns to outer var or not.

PS: I don't know what is the "do" syntax you reference but I guess it solves the ambiguity problem by creating a kind of "block lambda". Value statements can be recognized by a "return" statement inside the block.

   let a = do {
       if(test()) {
           return translate("...");
       } else {
           return translate("...");

In such case "do { ... }" is just a sugar for (function() { ...})(). It could be used to make more beautiful the "module" pattern used in many codes now.

Yep. Though, we have already such a sugar for immediately applied lambda -- it's a let-statement:

let (a = 10, b = 20) {
  // do stuff

in many implementations are just a sugar of

(function (a, b) {
  // do stuff
})(10, 20);


-----Message d'origine----- From: Dmitry Soshnikov
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 10:42 AM
To: François REMY
Cc: David Herman ; es-discuss Steen
Subject: Re: (Almost) everything is expression

On 11.11.2011 13:26, François REMY wrote:
<aside note>

   let x = q ? 10 : 20;

   Why we're reinventing the wheel here is up to me.


I noted it in the initial letter. Yes, we have the sugar for this
particular case for years (the ternary operator). But also with this I
mention that it doesn't allow _conveniently_ handle complex bodies of
consequent and alternative nodes of an if-expression. Please re-read my
initial letter.

Once again, the idea is to have _in addition_ for all the statement
parts the same expression parts (not only for if-statement, so sorry, I
don't buy your "reinventing the wheel").

And since this is exactly the _addition_, but _not the replacement_,
it's still possible to use statement forms (w/o explicit semicolon). But
if you need an expression form, use it. The same as with FD and FE.


-----Message d'origine----- From: Dmitry Soshnikov
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 8:54 AM
To: David Herman
Cc: es-discuss Steen
Subject: Re: (Almost) everything is expression

On 11.11.2011 11:43, David Herman wrote:
Brendan and Dave mention explicit semicolon. Yes, it's seems so by the grammar (though, have to check more precisely), but it can be acceptable price.
It's a serious price, though. Today if I write:

     if (q) { ... }
     else { ... }

then ASI kicks in after the else body. If we make if-statements into expressions, then either the above becomes a single expression, which is a serious and subtle backwards-incompatible change, or we define lookahead restrictions on ExpressionStatement, and introduce a refactoring hazard:

     x = if (q) { ... }
         else { ... }
(f()) // oops, this is now a parameter list on the RHS of the assignment!

I'm not positive, but that seems like a serious issue to me.

Yes, all this relatively true, but personally I don't see the big issue.
In practice we already have such a case e.g. for FD (function
declaration) vs. FE (function expression).

The former doesn't require semicolon, the later does. Though, in the
later case (FE), today most of programmers put explicit semicolon to
avoid problems with scripts minimizing. From this viewpoint it's not a
big price, since even now the programmers are already used to such cases.

Regarding old code it's also not the issue since there is no such old
code, it's a syntax error. And even if a user will refactor code (to
make it look shorter and elegantly), she should be aware about this case
(again -- just like with FD and FE -- users are aware about it):


var x;

if (q) {
  x = 10;
} else {
  x = 20;


let x = if (q) {
} else {

Nope, have to think more on this...
You might want to take a look at this:


Yep, I've seen it before briefly; will check it more precisely later,


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