To keep this thread from getting off-track: I am talking about patterns as a common ground between spec writers and JS.current coders. Focusing on patterns now would help
to get JS coders involved in checking current proposals for
consistency/edge cases, instead of leaving that burden to the spec editor alone.

Let me give an example of what I have in mind. I'll pick modules because they are complex, new, and are documented in a fairly accessible form already.

Joe Programmer has been using module loaders, following certain code patterns, such as:

- just load a named module and use its exports, synchronously

- just load a named module and use its exports, asynchronously

- try loading common libs from CDN, fall back to local copies

- conditionally load polyfills for older browsers, selectively load
   different code for mobile browsers

- load asynchronous file API, loop over exports to convert from
   file operations from callback parameters to promises

- re-export (parts of) existing modules as a single module
   (loop and filter, mix and match)

- ..

Joe Programmer likes to be ahead of the curve, so he wants to
know what modules mean for his coding habits. He finds
the ecmascript wiki, and the harmony namespace (isn't it time to
separate harmony from, btw?), and goes looking for modules.
For most proposals, the first thing he sees is the spec-ese
(Joe prefers to learn JS, translated from ES in blogs, rather than study the raw source), but he is lucky: the modules proposal actually has examples and rationales! They don't seem to address all his use cases, and he is beginning to suspect that he will either have to keep his old module loader around, or use module loaders and reified module objects, instead of the nice and simple modules.

Joe is slightly confused by all this talk about compilation and
early errors: JS is a just-in-time language, so compilation happens
behind the scenes, right? And how can he catch those early errors,
to keep his clients from being exposed to "compilation errors"?
Is there a way to depend on the latest version of a module, but fall back to a known-good version if the latest fails to compile?

Joe wonders whether he should join es-discuss, but he doesn't
read or speak spec-ese and is in the process of writing out the spec. And finding answers to his specific questions in the archives, with their torrents of back-and-forth snippets and
alternative design options, turns out to be difficult.

Meanwhile Steven Spec has been answering similar questions
by Jim Programmer, Jack Coder, and Doris Developer, and is
beginning to wonder whether there is an easier way to find
old answers and communicate about the new design and its
possible issues. And Ed Editor is having nightmares about missing obscure feature interactions while turning proposals
into a coherent spec.

If Ed, Steven, Joe, Jim, Jack, and Doris could communicate via a repository of code patterns, they might understand each other
well enough to talk to each other. Before the spec gets frozen.

And if failed design speculations get cleaned from the pattern repository, we'd end up accumulating useful patterns for the
blog writers, when reaches stability and everyone has
to look into upgrading.


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