On Nov 11, 2011, at 9:50 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

> do-expression is a very good solution

Why thank you! ;-)

>> How gorgeous is that?
> not very...
> but if I see any of:
>   let a = do {...
>   let a = {|| ...
>   let a  = { ... 
> I immediately know what follows. That is gorgeous...

I'm not sure I buy that `let x = do { f(); 12 }` is *prettier* than `let x = { 
f(); 12 }` but I do agree that it's less subtle, given the existence of object 
literals. And `do` is as short a keyword as you can get in JS, so it's a pretty 
minimal amount of extra noise.

>> So I just don't know if it's feasible.
> And being technically feasible does not make it desirable.

Of course. I didn't just mean "technically feasible," I meant I don't know if 
it's feasible from a design perspective.

> Just remember the phrase: "readability ambiguity"

Fair enough. Personally, I think there are situations where a disambiguation 
that's *technically* subtle can actually be totally intuitive to the human eye 
and doesn't cause readability problems in practice. But I agree with you that 
this is not likely one of those cases. There's just too much overlap between 
what can go inside an object literal and what can go inside block statements.


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