As noted, this loses symbol uniqueness but avoids string vs. string name collisions in objects. It takes on string-name collisions in the intern'ed symbol table of course. That may be more manageable. Or not!


Brendan Eich wrote:
Kevin Smith wrote:

    Dave Herman mentioned another idea: intern'ing strings as symbols.
    You'd lose uniqueness but avoid colliding with any string. So

      public @iterator = Symbol.intern('iterator');

    Is this much better than just using 'iterator' or dunder-iterator?

Apologies, but what would interning a string as a symbol mean?

Different frames could load a module that does this and the symbol would be interned as a singleton in all connected realms.

The rendezvous would be on the name, so of course collisions are possible. Symbol.intern('org.ecma-international.es6.iterator') -- blech!

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