Rick Waldron wrote:
On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 8:16 PM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.org <mailto:bren...@mozilla.org>> wrote:

    Nicholas C. Zakas wrote:

        I agree, I'm not sure there is a rational default for Map, but
        I think there is one for Set as an array (and it seems like
        most people agreed).

    As with Set, I claim the default JSON for Map should be

      [[key1, value1], ~~~ [keyN, valueN]]

I'm still curious about my question from yesterday; instead of repasting, I put it in a gist:


If the Map serializes as [[k1, v1], ~~~ [kN, vN]] then the deserializer could risk interpreting such as a Map. Better would be for the serializer to make the Map encoding the *value* of a by-convention key whose name implies the value is a Map serialization.

Still a level up from core JS, but as Allen said, that's part of the equation. This is not a core-language serialization-via-JSON protocol, because JSON is frozen as-is for all time.



    with ~~~ as meta-ellipsis.

    This is not a round-tripping seralization, any more than

      [elt1, ~~~ eltN]

    is for Set. It simply is the normal form expected by the Map
    constructor. That wins.


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