So you'd be imagining something that would create a variable that would
automatically await when accessed, like
async function makePizza(sauceType = 'red') {

  await const dough  = makeDough();
  await const sauce  = makeSauce(sauceType);
  await const cheese = grateCheese(sauce.determineCheese());


  return dough;
that would ensure the value is available before accessing them?

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 9:18 PM, Šime Vidas <> wrote:

> To clarify, the idea is to declare and kick off all the concurrent tasks
> upfront (using local variables and the ‘lazy await’ keyword), and then just
> continue writing the rest of the code ‘as if all the promises are
> resolved’. The async function automagically pauses whenever needed, so it’s
> no longer necessary to insert await operators throughout the code.
> I admit, this is wishful thinking. I’m just waiting for someone to tell me
> that it’s not feasible or that it would lead to some very bad code patterns
> :)
> On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 3:51 AM, Domenic Denicola <> wrote:
>> We already have that feature in the language: it’s called await. Just
>> rewrite the example like so, instead of using /* pause to await x */
>> comments:
>> async function makePizza(sauceType = 'red') {
>>   let dough  = makeDough();
>>   let sauce  = await makeSauce(sauceType);
>>   let cheese = grateCheese(sauce.determineCheese());
>>   dough = await dough;
>>   dough.add(sauce);
>>   dough.add(await cheese);
>>   return dough;
>> }
>> This way, instead of random punctuation like the "." operator causing
>> your program to await... it's the actual await keyword.
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