Dear Phillipe,

We, the EtherLab core team, prefer OpenSuse.

We use CX (x86) based systems since many years.
The CCAT driver is mainly kernel version independent (only if kernel
header structure changes)

Since Opensuse Leap 15.3 the distro is released with an Preempt-RT
We release ready to use RPMs for the EtherCAT master and the CCAT

Please seeĀ

for prepared RPMs

I prefer Debian based system privately.
Debian 10, 11,... ships with an Preempt-RT kernel too.

I provide ready to use Debian packages, but please note this is not a
release of the official EtherLab team.

Please see

Any feedback is welcome.

Am Mittwoch, dem 23.03.2022 um 17:17 +0100 schrieb Philippe Leuba:
> Hi,
> Has anyone any experience running Etherlab master on recent Linux
> distro with BeckHoff CX hardware ?
> Is recent kernel 5.x supported by CCAT and etherlab kernel driver ?
> Which Linux distro (in PREMPT_RT mode) are you using ?
> Thanks
> Philippe Leuba

Andreas Stewering-Bone
Hagenstiege 16
46325 Borken
Tel: +49 2863 9026948
Tel: +49 171 3874091

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