I have been using Linux on various laptops for a while now, but I have mostly used 
them for mobile diagnostic tool boxes. I am now starting to use one as more of a light 
weight workstation. I know that there are people that use their laptops a lot and I 
hope somebody can answer a few questions. So far my attempts at googling for an answer 
have lead to lots of unrelated stuff.

1) I am currently using a Dell Latitude CPi that has a modular bay in front that can 
hold either a second battery, a floppy drive, or a cdrom drive. How do I hot swap the 
cdrom in and out and have the system see it? I know that the hardware is capable of 
doing this because I can do it under windows, but for the life of me, I cannot get 
Linux to do it. I guess I would like to know how to be able to do the same thing with 
a docking station. (i.e. suspend the system and undock and have Linux be aware of the 
change and survive).

2) Is there any way to define a hardware profile for the system where it will 
recognize that a specific set of hardware is installed (e.g. docked with cd drive 
install, docked with cd and floppy drive, undocked no cdrom drive, etc) and self 
configure based on this?

3) Does anybody know how of an existing method to determine what services start based 
on your configuration (i.e. networked connected or no network connected). At present 
ypbind starts all the time and fails if there is no network, which does not take much 
time, but it is annoying. There is also no reason to have autofs, apache, samba load 
if there is not network.  I would also like to be able to assign an IP address to my 
system if the network is not connected so that Gnome works correctly (it does not like 
not having an IP address). 

Well this is a start. I'm sure I will have more.

Garl R. Grigsby
Senior Customer Applications Engineer - I-DEAS CAE & FEMAP Support 
EDS PLM Solutions                                 Phone: (800) 955-0000 
Global Technical Access Center                      FAX: (541) 342-8277
1750 Willow Creek Circle               Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Eugene, OR 97402                  Internet: http://support.plms-eds.com
   -FEA makes a good engineer great, and a poor engineer dangerous-

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