On Friday, October 24, 2003, at 10:38 AM, Cory Petkovsek wrote:

For the initiators of these threads, note it is considered bad
netiquette to cross post.

It's a relatively minor breach, and is in fact quite helpful in making new connections,
about on a par with shouting from one group to another at a party.

Those who reply to all lists may not be allowed to send
unsubscribed emails to those alternate lists and have their mail held or
bounced. It also easily breaks threads when some people group-reply and
others do not. Archives do not include the full thread and in general
it is messy.

Most of this falls into the category of adapting human mores to the limitations of the software
(or protocol as in this case), but in this as in many cases the protocol is a product of
codifying extant human practice.

The difficult trick as always is knowing when you should adhere to protocol, and when to ignore it.

For crossposting, a good rule of thumb is to ask "Are the people receiving this message going to appreciate it."

IOW, letting several lists know about an upcoming event of interest to all of them is probably OK,
asking multiple lists about options to ls because you think that it will raise you chances of getting a reply, is not.
(though the latter will keep you warm all winter long...)

"The Internet is falling" --C. Little 2003

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