bsd's all use the UFS filesystem
derived from 4.2 BSD

You can mount ext2 from FreeBSD
and you can mount UFS filesystems from BSD

obstacles to cooperation are less daunting than you might think.

read the man pages for mount, newfs and fsck
to get the gory details.

On Monday, February 2, 2004, at 04:32 PM, Robert M. Solovay wrote:

I've read the FTM and I'm still not sure. I *think* that the filesystems
used by FreeBSD are different from the ext2 system used by linux so I
couldn't have the two OS's coexisting and reading the same home directory.
But I couldn't find any explicit discussion of this point in the FreeBSD

--Bob Solovay

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Metaphors for system administration -----------------------------------------------
bailing the titanic with paper cups: or polishing the deck chairs thereof
steering an iceberg with a broom: nonexciting challenges await you
capturing runaway bulldozers: once is chance, twice coincidence, ...

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