Thank you for your comprehensive and clear and funny reply.

I can only wonder if the VISTA folks have the camaraderie of Linux folks.

Thanks again!


larry price wrote:
On 2/10/07, Harald Sundt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The other day I went to the ASLabs website
( to get some support and I just found
the folks who sold me my Linux pre-installed Laptop have discontinued
it, and all its line of laptops.

I called and they said "We won't return to selling Laptops until we find
one that can meet our specifications"
I am guessing this means "Linux is too tricky to make go well on laptops".

But 3 things are making me crazy and I hope you can answer these three


Is there any general Linux reason laptop application is tricky? Or is
ASLabs having a problem with their approach and what could that be?

Laptop hardware is usually idiosyncratic, and can use weird poorly
documented chipsets,

from the description you posted your laptop is
a. fairly generic, with known good intel chipset
b. is old enough to be supported most everywhere

So it should not be impossible to update or upgrade to a different OS


My CPU is duel boot, Windows XT and Fedora 7. I can only Boot Windows if
I boot the default, Linux, first and reboot.
If I "escape" during the first part of boot to grub and choose Windows,
Windows will boot but never light up or show up on the screen, as if it
can't boot a laptop screen without it being "found" previously by a
prior Linux boot. Why is this? Is there a cure?

it sounds like the video card might need to be initialised, you
probably need to find the manufacturers driver for the card under


I have been "upgrading" via the online upgrade function in the Linux
System menu. What happens if I try a install or update from some disks,
like Fedora 8? They told me at ASL I had to use their disks because they
"fine tune" the Fedora for my laptop.  Am I stranded in Fedora 7? I am
not bright or savvy enough to know what questions to ask them or how to
re-write any installation scripts.

mixing and matching packages from different versions of fedora is
asking for trouble, but you should be able to back up your data,
install fedora 8 and continue from there.

With above caveats, I'm at home in my Laptop. But its like having a
comfortable Mobile-Home in a Gulf-State. I wanna ask "If I'm so f**king
comfortable, why can't I relax?

backups and backups of backups, knowing that your mobile home is
insured goes a long way towards making you feel better about watching
it's rough peel off in gale force winds...
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