Hi all

Thank you all for contributing in the discussion . I think it is good to 
exchange opinions.

Firstly I have changed the title - Martin is famous enough by now!

Secondly I want to note a few things:

- This email and this discussion is in no way an action on behalf of WFDF SOTG 
Committee but a personal incentive.
- In no way should this discussion ever go against certain players, teams or 
nations. It is also not important who is really last in the SOTG list. It is 
important for every team to see how well or "un-well" they do. It is important 
for the teams themselves that they learn from their mistakes.
- It is always important to respect everybody's opinion.
- I wanted to thank everyone who sent email to the list or to me personally. I 
hope we can all learn a bit for ourselves.
I think we have mostly done a very good job here. Sometimes we trailed off to a 
"who is right" shootout, which is what I think people didn't like, but we all 
behaved well IMO. Thanks

Finally I also want to comment on a few points which ended up in separate 
strings of discussion.

The clip:
Way too much talk was spent on one little scene - this is not what we should do.

There are 1 very fundamental theory why observers or why not.
I appreciate both sides:
I agree that observers will definitely improve the moment. UPA nationals has 
showed that the use of observers definitely helps the ongoing game.
I think that the use of observers is dangerous however since it takes away the 
most fundamental basis we use in every discussion no matter if we talk about 
rules or spirit. It is the essential and believed that no one breaks the rules 
and everyone respects the opponent. Every player on the field is a referee. The 
entire construct of Ultimate is built on this principle. By taking away even 
just some of the responsibility of a player we have taken a step towards 
changing the sport entirely. There will always be conflicts - but the essence 
of ultimate is that these conflicts are solved. By the player and by the 
captain of the player.
It is clear to me that at some point in the future the sport will evolve to a 
level where referees are no longer indispensible - but I will try to help that 
this point will be as far in the future as possible.

The physical contact:
One email expressed my own opinion very well and I would like to repeat briefly 
the main point:
I think no one complains about contact that occurs when 2 players both bid for 
a disc.
The "bad" contacts however are constant disturbing little pushes and hits on 
the field, pulling of jerseys etc. This is disrespectful, annoying, disturbing 
and therefore against the SOTG. While most of these might not exactly be 
intentional, it is obvious to me that it would be very easy to NOT commit them. 
If they happen consistently it is clear that this behavior it accepted by that 
Finally - Dangerous play and aggressive harmful behavior need to be absolutely 
be banned from the Ultimate field.   

The teams:
Thanks to the captain of fire to reply and thanks a lot that you will try to 
improve where you can.
I hope that all teams that scored low will at least consider that they might be 
able to do something just a little better. 

The captains:
The captains play a lead role in the SOTG. They are the ones that may and 
should step in if a discussion overheats or if they  think their own player has 
made a wrong call or behaved inappropriately. Dear captains - you above all are 
the guardians of SOTG! Please be aware of your duty.

The spirit time out:
At WUCC we introduced a spirit time out which has been very welcomed and was 
used a few times. For information I would like to copy the text here:
   If one or both team captains have the feeling that the game becomes 
aggressive of "unspirited", we will supply a SOTG timeout. Right after a goal 
was scored, the team captain must tell the timekeeper that a SOTG timeout will 
be taken. During this timeout the two captains shall discuss the course of the 
game and then pass the decision on to their players. Not game timeout will be 
taken from any of the teams for this action. I would ask captains to use these 
if necessary in any tournament. 

The future:
I would like to ask all TDs to always publish ALL spirit of the score totals as 
it will help all teams. Those that scored well will be happy to see it - even 
if they were not lucky enough to "win the prize". Those that score low can see 
it and take action.  
Also if anyone has good suggestions - we are going to work to improve the SOTG 
Score sheet with information collected in the last year.

Thanks to all


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