On Sat, Dec 24, 2022 at 12:54 AM spudboy100 via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

*> My proposal is that we'd insist on term limits.*

Term limits is a fine idea but as a practical proposal it's worthless
because it would require a constitutional amendment, and that would mean an
overwhelming majority of politicians would have to vote themselves out of a
very cushy job, and the sun will turn into a red giant before that happens.
Hell, one of the two major political parties in the US has already clearly
demonstrated that they believe keeping their jobs is vastly more important
than the constitution or the fate of the country.  And long before January
6 2021 a sitting president declared that the constitution should be ignored
and he be allowed to have a third term of office, and more recently he
specifically said the constitution should be canceled and he should
immediately be made president even though he overwhelmingly lost a
reelection bid 2 years previously.

Joe Biden Calls GOP Embrace Of Trump’s MAGA Values A ‘Path To Chaos’ |
> HuffPost Latest News
> <https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-speech-maga-republicans-pelosi_n_6362fb68e4b05864dfa53c38>

I have learned not to click on your many many links because nearly all of
them turn out to be worthless, but if Joe Biden did say the GOP embrace Of
Trump’s MAGA values is a path to chaos then he was just stating an obvious
fact; he might be legitimately criticized because the quote is not very
deep and is just a tautology, but tautologies have one grade advantage, all
of them are true

 > *your purpose, is simply to block Trump from acquiring the White House
> again. *

And what a noble purpose that is!

*> That's the Jan 6 committee's purpose. *

That's because the January 6 committee did NOT think a president that
violated his oath of office and committed an act of treason by staging an
unsuccessful coup d'état when he failed to win reelection is fit to ever
hold that office again, especially when just days before they issued their
final determination that same ex president recommended the constitution be
canceled, the 2020 election be nullified, and he immediately be named
president again. Anybody who thinks that democracy, in spite of all its
flaws, is superior to China and Russia style dictatorships would have to
agree that this man should never be allowed to hold elected office again; but
you don't agree with the premise of that statement so you don't agree.
However if you think the constitution is just a bunch of suggestions not
laws then what exactly do you mean by "term limits"? And you're constantly
harping about how evil China and its leader Xi is but you're advocating
that the US adopt the same system. I think those apparent paradoxes can be
easily explained, logical contradictions just don't bother you much.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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