I know little of the Church fathers am not sure of Paul of Tarsus (Tent maker 
for the Roman legions) was a Rabbi. But,He was for you guys, nevertheless, on 
his road to Tarsus! I did learn this year that most of the bishops were the 
sons of Roman senators who still inherited the manors after the Sack of Rome in 
476 AD., It really expanded the Church origins for me. They made the structure 
of The Church identical to the fallen empire. For me it explained a lot of 
Europe's history, its religion, its class system, and so forth. Not to mention 
the Eastern Empire which continued for 9 centuries before it got absorbed into 
Islam. 1453 AD.
How the Fall of Constantinople in 1453 Changed History Forever 
If the vast, amount of scientific research is conducted by 
Pagans-Atheists-Agnostics, and they generate the preponderance of the 
measurable data with, (repeatable experiments) what are you going to do? I 
suppose we shall wait for The Book of Revelations to finally play out, and The 
Hero to return to the stage to judge the living and the dead?
Do you think the new heaven and the new earth will be from this? 
​Dyson spheres: The key to resurrection and immortality? - Big Think (Be 
warned, Pagan!)

To me, it sort of even looks like a Christmas Ornament, or a 70's disco ball. 
if one prefers? 
Remember the bumper sticker, WWJD? Promoting the idea of Jesus as a moral guide 
on human relations. (What Would Jesus Do?). I always thought it would be better 
in a theological fashion to change it to HWJSI, How Would Jesus Do It? The 
mechanics, the physics, the mechanism. It makes (for most I suspect) Word, 
Flesh. It makes it more real. Or at least less vague, less hand waving. This is 
why I am such big Frank Tipler fan, (Christian) and also a fan of roboticist, 
Hans Moravec. (Atheist). More recently, with Guilio Prisco (atheist and retired 
physicist). There are others, many of whom are simply writers on the topic. So, 
if you blame me for anything, it's cherry-picking scholars. 
I could throw in Lee Smolin, sort of, but I'll see if this email passes you by, 
or it garners a response.
 I do like the Dyson Spere thing (new heaven + earth). Plenty of physical room 
for lots of people, either as physical humans or as restored computer proggies? 
The Dyson Sphere is closer to Moravec's conception where "simulators" possibly 
made from super dense neutron star material (Moravec wrote) would Rez the dead. 
Tipler's Singularity is more profound emotionally, but a fantastically longer 
wait! Astronomers, using microwave receivers aimed at neutron stars have noted 
pasta patterns of crushed neutron star material. I wondered if somehow this 
could be analogous to the human brain? Are Neutron stars conscious? Blah Blah 

Cosmic chocolate pralines? General neutron star structure revealed (phys.org)

Happy New Year to All!Cosmologically speaking that is.

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Benjamin <medinucl...@hotmail.com>
To: Everything List <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Dec 30, 2022 10:54 am
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next 

 <!--#yiv5847163926 filtered {}#yiv5847163926 filtered {}#yiv5847163926 
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div.yiv5847163926WordSection1 {}-->general_the...@googlegroups.com Subject: RE: 
[Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next year [Philip 
Benjamin]      I remember a high elected member of the federal government who 
was very conservative with respect to classical norms and mores abruptly 
endorsing alternate lifestyle correct and normal when a close relative came out 
of the closet.       The question here is, what makes modern paganism ( ancient 
heathenism) different from a rebirth or regeneration life and consequent 
culture or ethos. Physical BIRTH for a person is ONLY once. So also, REBIRTH is 
ONLY once by regeneration. Augustinian transformation is an example. Myriads of 
others can be cited—Abraham, Moses, Rabbi Saul of Tarsus etc. A transformation 
is reformation, but all reformations but not vice versa. That is a historical 
and historic difference with distinction.  WAMP the-Ingrate knows not!!  Philip 
Benjamin           From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2022 3:47 PM
To: general_the...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next 
year    Dear Philip ,    What a wonderfully useful link 
 2016. Thank you

Being interested in the occult is not satanism

Lewis Carroll had a large library of occult books 

Abraham Lincoln - Abraham Lincoln was clearly open to spiritual communication 
and the reason I say this is because he used the services of a medium called 
Nettie Colburn. Most of what Nettie achieved under trance conditions for him, 
could only have been achieved by there being very strong inter composer 
communication between the two of them. Furthermore both Abraham Lincoln and his 
wife were believers in the spiritual world and the power of mediums.
https://allaboutheaven.org/sources/lincoln-abraham/151/main -- 
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