On Fri, Sep 29, 2023, 6:19 AM John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My answer would be YES, except that Many worlds just needs Schrodinger's
> Equation, but Pilot Wave theory also needs a very complex guiding equation
> that does nothing but make the theory incompatible with special relativity.
> If Occam's razor alone wasn't enough to rule out Pilot Waves that should do
> it, this video goes in the more detail explaining why:
>   Are Many Worlds & Pilot Wave THE SAME Theory?
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUHW1zlstVk>

Nice video, thanks for sharing.

I agree. Both accept the continued reality of the wave function.

Pilot-wave theory adds purely philosophical assumptions, namely, that "all
but one branch is not-really-real" and "everyone in those other branches is
a philosophical zombie."

This zombiehood claim is made despite the fact that the people in these
"not-really-real" branches still behave like the conscious people in the
real branch; they have full lives, they talk to one another, they write
books about consciousness, they develop a pilot-wave theory that people in
other branches are zombies, etc.)


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