On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 12:23:19PM +0100, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> It *could* be the contrary. In quantum mechanics a case can be given 
> that it *is* the contrary. It is by taking the full set of (relative 
> histories) that the quantum phase randomization can eliminate the 
> quantum aberrant histories (cf Feynman paths). 
> It works with the QM because of the existence of destructive 
> interferences, and somehow what the computationalist has to justify is 
> the (first person plural) appearance of such destructive effects. 
> Bruno 
> http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~marchal/ 

The informatic "destructive effects" are due to conflicting
information reducing the total amount of information.

If I have the sentence "the sheep is totally black and the sheep is
totally white", then I have rather less information about the sheep
than if I had (say) "the sheep is totally black".

Addition of information obeys the triangle inequality

  I(a+b) \leq I(a) + I(b)

Curiously, addition of wave amplitudes in QM also obey the triangle
inequality. I suspect there is more to this connection than mere
coincidence, although I haven't spent too much time trying to work out
the details.



A/Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
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