On 22/01/2009, at 3:50 AM, Günther Greindl wrote:

> Kim,
>> the uncomputability of this issue. Why should the mind be limited  
>> to the
>> computable? Clearly it is not.
> So you deny Step 1 again? You say no to the doctor?

In fact I have 'multiple personality disorder' - from Thursday to  
Monday I say 'Yes' to the doctor, on Tuesday and Wednesday I am no  
longer the same personality because my medications have run out ;-)

Well, it's Thursday here now and I have a fresh supply of anxiety- 
suppression pills, so I'm off to see the Doctor again!! He's talking  
about this scary Step 7 and I am starting to get sweaty palms, so in a  
fit of madness I reached into the bookshelf and drew out a Penrose  
volume which seemed to suggest I might do better to have a cup of tea  
and a little sleep...
>> Could an AI conceive of Platonia?

> Why not?

Well, this particular AI which calls itself Kim can conceive of it, so  
I guess all other AIs could....unless there is a special class of AI  
that can only conceive of computables?  Perhaps I should put "Road to  
Reality" back on the bookshelf for now!

Bring on the advanced Theology

loving it


> Cheers,
> Günther
> >

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