On Feb 25, 2010, at 2:46 PM, Charles <charlesrobertgood...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Feb 26, 6:38 am, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:

One approach to the problem that I heard regarding the arrow of time
relates to the fact that storing information (either by the brain or
in a DNA molecule in the course of evolution) requires the expendature
of energy.  The expendature of energy results in an increase in
entropy of the universe. Thus life evolves and we remember new things
in the same direction of time.

This is all true.  All biological processes are driven by the entropy
gradient. However this doesn't explain the AOT; it's a consequence of


Isn't the AOT explained in terms of probability? E.g. There are far more combinations for a system to be disordered rather than ordered, as such the universe overall will tend to fall into these more likely configurations. You are right things on earth are very different but we benefit from the sun's creation of far more combinations in the distribution of photons and neutrinos vs the number of ways hydrogen atoms might be arranged in the core. So our perspective is fairly atypical.

Another consideration: we experience time backwards, the universe is actually collapsing from equilibrium to a sinularity and will end in about 13.7 billion years. Could we explain why most photons seem to only travel on intercepting paths which coincidentally strike and split helium atoms?

Of course on a particle by partical interaction everything makes sense, but in terms of all the coincidences in the universe as a whole, things would not. This effect appears even if you only considered a few particles, how often would they all come together if left on their own to bounce around? We also live in a gravity well which helps hold things together and further distorts our perspective (but even then our atmosphere is slowly leaking away, as mar's did.)


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