On 9/20/2013 9:53 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
Note also that Truth, by definition cannot be Popperian: it is not falsifiable, of course. That's a common point with consciousness "here-and-now", which is not falsifiable nor doubtable, yet true (except for the zombies of course). OK?

I think that is too quick. First, what Popper meant by falsifiable was that there be a test of a theory which we can conceive as having an outcome contrary to its prediction. Of course he knew that if the theory were correct the outcome couldn't falisify it. The point was that we could only learn something if we didn't already know the answer.

Second, that there is a conscious thought may be indubitable WHILE the thought, "There is a conscious thought." is present. But it doesn't follow that the content of a conscious thought is indubitable. The content might be, "There is a flying pink elephant in my room." which is both dubitable and almost certainly false. And if the thought is, "I had a conscious thought." that too is dubitable.


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