On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 10:59 AM, Edgar L. Owen <edgaro...@att.net> wrote:

> Jason,
> There is only one reality because I define reality as all that exists.

That's fine and I agree with it, but I asked how you know there is only one
physical universe.

> It is conceivable there is more than one physical universe in that reality
> but until you give me some evidence of it I'm not going to waste my time
> thinking about it.

Fine tuning, eternal inflation, no collapse theories, string theory,
arithmetical realism, to name a few.

Also, I could throw the same argument back at you: until you give me some
evidence this is the only possible universe that can exist, why should I
waste my time with the conclusions you draw from that?

As I've pointed out most of the reasons cosmologists assume their must be
> multiverses or MWs turn out not to be reasons after all.
> Whether you buy my arguments on that is up to you..
What are your arguments? All I see is "I see no evidence for X so I won't
waste my time with X and instead will decide to believe X is false".  This
is not an argument, and absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Moreover, there is substantial evidence for many of the above theories I
mentioned, all of which have "multiple universes" as a consequence.


On Monday, January 13, 2014 9:37:51 PM UTC-5, Jason wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 9:51 AM, Edgar L. Owen <edga...@att.net> wrote:
>> Jason,
>> Reality is not 'small', it's very very large. It's just not infinite.
> You believe there is only one physical universe, right?  What is your
> justification for this?  How do you know there wasn't another big bang
> really far away that we cannot see?  Or for that matter another universe
> altogether, with different laws?  I see only assertions from you, but no
> reasons, arguments, justifications, etc.
>> See my other post of an hour ago for an explanation of why nothing real
>> and actual can be infinite....
>> We explain what we can observe. If you have evidence of some alternate
>> physics somewhere only then you can ask me why I don't assume it.
> There are many solutions in string theory, what prohibits the others from
> existing?  Eternal inflation says there are an infinite number of big
> bangs, what does it get wrong?
>> I don't assume any 'collapse of wave'.... I posit what best explains
>> reality as it is observed.
> If there is no collapse of the wave, then there are many worlds. But you
> reject both collapse and many-worlds, which seems contradictory. It is the
> presumption of collapse that is the justification for saying there is only
> one real world, when the mathematics of QM predict there should be many.
>> There is not "only one" computation being performed in OE. There are
>> uncountable googles of them in every processor cycle since every element of
>> information in the entire universe is effectively a processor containing
>> both code and data. But to assume all possible computations are being
>> computed is rather off the wall since we observe only the results of those
>> that are actually being computed,
> Assume for a moment that all possible types of physical universes were
> being computed. Do you believe we would *necessarily *be aware of their
> existence? I don't think we would, just like the hypothetical fish under
> the ice of Europa would not be aren't aware of anything else beyond their
> tiny isolated view of reality. Given that, I don't think it is valid to use
> our perceptions to say what does not exist, only because we cannot see it
> before our eyes.
>> and they most certainly aren't all possible ones. How about sticking to
>> what is actually real and observable instead of engaging in wild 'what ifs'?
> I don't consider these wild "what ifs", these are legitimate questions,
> which are seriously considered and debated by serious scientists.
>> Yes, of course there is something external to biological minds that
>> informs their internal simulations. Biological minds continually sample the
>> current logical structures of their information environments. They exist
>> and function within their information environments to the extent that
>> sampling is accurate. All the rest is qualia that mind adds to external
>> reality in its simulation of it.
> So if every being only has access to their local environments, what
> justification is there to deny the existence of other possibilities
> elsewhere (beyond the scope of those creature's perceptions)?
>> Biological organisms do function effectively in their information
>> environments. That is how we confirm they do accurately represent it as
>> internal knowledge. However that representation is highly embellished to
>> make it appear as a physical dimensional world full of colors, feelings,
>> meanings etc. which are not in the external world but only in our internal
>> simulation of it.
> I agree.
>> The fact that we do exist and function within our information environment
>> PROVES we do know what is real and what is sci fi.
> Descartes cast serious doubt on this and he hasn't been refuted in the
> hundreds of years since making his ideas public. We can know that our
> thought is real, and from there maybe guess that some thinker is real, but
> beyond that the foundation becomes very shaky and you won't find any proof
> that what you think is real in your perceptions correspond to reality,
> unless you go so far as to say perceptions are the only reality. But then
> you will fall into solipsism and immaterialism.
> Jason
>> If our functioning works according to some set of rules then those rules
>> are reality, if our functioning doesn't work then the rules we functioned
>> by are sci fi, or worse, delusion.
>> Truth is internal consistency of our simulation across maximum scope. If
>> there is some inconsistency then we don't have true knowledge of reality to
>> that extent.
>> Edgar
>> On Monday, January 13, 2014 10:21:03 AM UTC-5, Jason wrote:
>>> On Jan 13, 2014, at 6:44 AM, "Edgar L. Owen" <edga...@att.net> wrote:
>>> Terren,
>>> There is no "infinity of simulations". We are talking about actual
>>> reality rather than sci fi fantasy here, or at least we should be.
>>> Edgar,
>>> How do you know reality is really as small and limited as you think it
>>> is? Some fish in a pond might think their pond constitutes all of reality.
>>> So what assumptions led you to the idea that the universe is finite and
>>> that what we see is the only possible physics?
>>> Every biological organism has one and only one internal mental
>>> simulation of its external reality environment. This whole system, external
>>> world simulated by the minds of multiple biological observers, actually
>>> consists only of computational information flows in the presence and
>>> logical space of reality. Everything, including ourselves, is analogous to
>>> running, interacting software programs.
>>> The apparent physicality of reality in the minds of biological organisms
>>> is an evolutionary adaptation to make reality seem more meaningful and
>>> easier to function within. This physicality is not real, it's an internal
>>> mental illusion. I devote the entire Part IV of my book dissecting this
>>> illusion and explaining how it works.
>>> So you accept that the physical world can be an illusion, but somehow
>>> you know deep down that the flow of time, the collapse of the wave, and the
>>> unicity of the physical laws are not illusions. I am intererested to know
>>> how you came to decide what was illusory and what is reality.
>>> The book also explains in detail how once we identify and subtract
>>> everything mind adds to reality we arrive at what reality actually is, pure
>>> information computationally evolving in the logical space of reality I call
>>> ontological energy. When we peel back all the various layers of physicality
>>> that mind adds to external reality its remaining purely abstract
>>> information structure is clearly revealed.
>>> Can your reasoning deduce that only one (and not all possible
>>> computations) are being performed by this ontological energy?  That is a
>>> step I am not seeing any justification for.
>>> We all live in a world that is actually almost entirely a construct of
>>> our mental simulations of an external information reality. Thus when we
>>> look out into the world we are mostly looking into the structures of our
>>> own minds. We live inside our minds under what I call the 'retinal sky'.
>>> I agree with this for some sense of the word reality. But I also would
>>> say there is something external to our experiences that explains their
>>> existence.
>>> Just as robots function within environments they simulate internally
>>> with computations, so do all biological organisms including ourselves. We
>>> do no 'see' the real actual world, we compute internal models of it and
>>> live within those.
>>> It is only these internal biological simulations that there is any
>>> evidence for. There is no evidence of any 'matrix' type simulations.
>>> Read Nick Bostrom's simulation argument. It is not proven, but it is not
>>> disproven either.
>>> That's just adolescent sci fi unless there is some actual evidence.
>>> Again I went through that sci fi phase back in the 1960's in a short story
>>> i wrote on the same theme titled "The Livies". Let's stick to evidence
>>> based reality rather than sci fi...
>>> How do we distinguish science fiction from science reality if we are
>>> trapped in the reality our mind creates for us? I would say the best we can
>>> do is firm models and see how they compare to experience. You have told us
>>> your conclusions, but not given us the model that led you to them. I think
>>> I speak for many on the list when I say this is what we are curious to see,
>>> since otherwise we have no idea how you got to the conclusions you have
>>> arrived upon.
>>> Jason
>>> Edgar
>>> On Friday, January 10, 2014 1:05:29 AM UTC-5, Terren Suydam wrote:
>>>> Edgar,
>>>> That begs the question. You start by assuming reality is computed, and
>>>> then conclude that because reality exists, reality must be computed.
>>>> Again I will point out that except for one key difference, your ideas
>>>> and Bruno's are actually pretty similar. The difference of course being
>>>> that the UDA entails that there are an infinity of computed realities.
>>>> Let me approach this from a different direction. Given that you agree
>>>> that you could be digitally replaced and not notice the difference, this
>>>> also entails that you could be placed into a simulation, where your
>>>> simulated brain is functionally identical to your real brain or the
>>>> prosthetic brain that could replace it with you noticing. So a simulation
>>>> of you embedded in a simulated world is also conscious - this is more or
>>>> less what your theory of consciousness says. The next step is to see that
>>>> there are an infinity of possible simulations that contain your current
>>>> brain state, and thus your consciousness, in this moment (or any given
>>>> moment).
>>>> If you're still with me we can go back to the UDA, which in so many
>>>> words says that all of these infinite simulations exist in Platonia, traced
>>>> by the Universal Dovetailer (a rather simple program) - and your moment by
>>>> moment reality is a view from the inside of the infinity of simulations
>>>> that contain you. Indeed, physics and the physical world in general
>>>> represent a stable measure on the kinds of worlds that could support your
>>>> consciousness. But because the infinity of simulations is necessarily what
>>>> renders the physical world, it is not computable. That is the contradiction
>>>> entailed by a computational universe such as you elaborate in your theory.
>>>> Your objection about human math and reality math, I believe, is an
>>>> attempt to refute step 8 of the UDA - that is usually the most problematic
>>>> step for people who don't agree with the UDA. It would be very interesting
>>>> if you could identify a flaw in the UDA, supported by arguments rather than
>>>> simple assertion, as you have done to this point.
>>>> Terren
>>>> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 9:34 PM, Edgar L. Owen <edga...@att.net> wrote:
>>>>> Liz,
>>>>> No, that's not the only way to falsify it. One merely needs to show it
>>>>> doesn't properly describe reality as I've just done. If you even assume a
>>>>> computational universe in the first place you have to assume (you are
>>>>> assuming) that it computes reality. The fact that reality exists is
>>>>> conclusive proof.
>>>>> Edgar
>>>>> On Thursday, January 9, 2014 8:53:18 PM UTC-5, Liz R wrote:
>>>>>> On 10 January 2014 14:22, Edgar L. Owen <edga...@att.net> wrote:
>>>>>>> Liz,
>>>>>>> No, I don't agree with that at all. As I've said on a number of
>>>>>>> occasions, reality is obviously computed because it exists. What more
>>>>>>> convincing proof could there be?
>>>>>> One that explains why that has to be so would be a good start.
>>>>>>>  If Bruno's comp claims reality is non-computable it's pure nonsense
>>>>>>> that is conclusively falsified by the very existence of reality.
>>>>>>> The point is that certain assumptions lead to certain conclusions.
>>>>>> If the conclusions invalidate the assumptions, then the correct response 
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> to throw out the original assumptions as invalid. Bruno starts from the
>>>>>> assumption that consciousness is a form of computation and draws certain
>>>>>> inferences. This isn't what comp "claims" it's what the argument shows,
>>>>>> given the assumptions. The only way to falsify it is to show that one of
>>>>>> the assumptions is wrong, or that there is a flaw in the reasoning that
>>>>>> leads to the conclusions.
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