condescending dismissal in 3... 2... 1...

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 4:27 PM, LizR <> wrote:

> On 15 January 2014 06:53, Edgar L. Owen <> wrote:
>> Liz,
>> See my response to Brent on consciousness of an hour ago. It answers this
>> question...
>> Actually to answer your question properly you have to define 'person',
>> what you mean by an 'AI' and what you mean by a 'simulation'. In the
>> details of those definitions will be your answer... It's arbitrary and ill
>> formed as asked....
> Yeah, unlike waffle about "it's really real because it's real in the real
> actual world, really, because I say so" (insert eye-rolling emoticon here)
> OK, let's say we simulate you in a virtual world. Or, to get a particular
> scenario, let's assume some aliens with advanced technology turned up last
> night and scanned your body, and created a computer model of it. We won't
> worry about subtleties like substitution levels and whether "you" are
> actually duplicated in the process. It's enough for the present discussion
> that the simulated Edgar feels it's you, believes it's you, thinks its you,
> and appears to have a body like yours which it can move around, just as you
> do, in a world just like the one you're living in (they have also modelled
> the Earth and its surroundings. Using nanotechnology they can do all this
> inside a relatively small space). The simulated Edgar will think just like
> you, assuming your thoughts are, in fact, the product of computation in
> your brain, and it has your memories, because the aliens were able to model
> the part of your brain that stores them.
> So, sim-Edgar wakes up the next morning and believes himself to be
> earth-Edgar.
> Would he know, or discover at some point, that he's a simulation in a
> virtual world, and if so, how?
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