On 27 Jan 2014, at 16:33, Richard Ruquist wrote:

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 7:27 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

On 27 Jan 2014, at 13:01, Richard Ruquist wrote:

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:44 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

On 27 Jan 2014, at 03:44, LizR wrote:

On 27 January 2014 14:08, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
On 1/26/2014 3:15 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
I have provided the definition. Should I repeat?
God is the transcendental reality we bet on, and which is supposed to be responsible for my or our existence.
Sounds like "physics" to me.

If physics is transcendental, a lot of people may be wasting their time trying to find a TOE.

The physical TOE would be a very natural candidate for the general TOE, if it was not dissolving consciousness and person when tackling the mind body problem.

The fact that the most coherent and rational materialist tend to eliminate consciousness is coherent with the UDA conclusion. We cannot have both a primitive materials universe, and a mechanist expanation of the mind.

I have suggested based on string theory that we can have a primitive materialistic universe derived from

If it is "primitive", it cannot be "derived from".
i use "primitive" in the sense of "having to be assumed in the theory", or "not derivable" (yet, accepted).

the effectively complete computations of a metaverse machine and at the same time a mind and consciousness derived from an incomplete universe machine. That is, mind/body comes from two different comp machines, one infinite and the other finite. Richard

It is a bit fuzzy, but that sounds reasonable. Yet, string theory comes from experimentation (if only because it is build on QM) which is, in comp, a bit of a sort of treachery.

God is indeed treacherous, consisting of the programmer, the metaverse comp(uter) machine and each universe comp machine

You are quick.

in my string cosmology. The metaverse spacetime overlaps each universe spacetime; and each are at least mental multiverses if not physical multiverses. However, physical particles are computed early on by the effectively complete metaverse machine. Consciousness stems from physical complexity exceeding the Lloyd bit limit (10^120) of our universe,

"our universe"? That is what I want to explain and worse, what a mechanist is obliged to explain. It is not quite compatible with comp to associate consciousness to "our universe". That is comp compatible, but only if *that* is derived from arithmetic. (And it would be weird and forbid to say "yes" to any comp doctor, as in this case comp, though true, is definitely not practical: we can't emulate in one skull the "physical complexity exceeding the Lloyd bit limit (10^120) of our universe".

which allows an unfettered connection to the metaverse, a sort of Platonia. [Perhaps]

I don't want to throw cold water on this, but if it is correct, and if mechanism is correct, the "logical" modest point is that (to be TOE complete and not put the person under the rug), you need to derive this from any first order specification of any universal system (machine, language, combinator, number, game, finite set theory, etc.)

You might have the correct theology, but with mechanism, you have to derive it from any universal u, computing a universal function phi_u, in the list of the phi_i. Equivalently you have to prove, in your theory if you want, that your theory solves the comp measure problem.

You might try to explain what is the effectively complete (I know only sigma_1 set or sentence to be like that in some sense) metaverse machine (it looks like the UD). And why particles are computed before the dreams? I don't believe, nor made sense of "Consciousness stems from physical complexity exceeding the Lloyd bit limit (10^120) of our universe", but that does not mean that there is no interesting idea there. The comp subst level might be low then, below Planck length. Perhaps.



This prevents the use of the G/G* separation to be exploited for consciousness and qualia.


Consciousness is the grain of dust in the picture of reality, which will force us to come back to seriousness in the fundamental questioning about the mind.


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