On 1/27/2014 7:48 AM, Edgar L. Owen wrote:

First this doesn't have anything to do with present moment theory, only with standard physics.

2nd, hopefully it's just a matter of you using different semantics than me as to what is meant by absolute and relative. I'll explain once more.

In the case of time dilation effects caused by gravitation or acceleration the effects are absolute in the sense that both observers agree on them. Take 2 observers A in a gravitational well and B not. In this case B observes A's clock SLOW, and A observes B's clock rate SPEED up. They AGREE as to this effect.

They can't agree on that. They can only agree via signals the their clocks *appear* to run at different rates. Just like the twins in the SR twin paradox.

AND the clock time difference PERSISTS after A and B meet up afterwards when their clocks are again running at the same rate. Therefore in my terminology it is an absolute effect. It is a real and actual effect, that both observers agree upon. This is well understood and confirmed because it's used in GPS calculation corrections all the time.

Yes, it's real that they have traveled through different intervals of spacetime - just like the twins in the twin paradox.

You seem determined to ignore the basic principle of GR, it is a *geometric theory of spacetime* Geometry doesn't make clocks change speed.


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