On 04 May 2014, at 23:46, LizR wrote:

On 5 May 2014 07:38, Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.com> wrote:
Yes, and this already happened. I would add that capitalism is not catching up with anything because it doesn't even exist at the moment. The money supply itself is not under the control of the market, so the system is non-capitalist at its core. Bitcoin is an attempt at real capitalism, it remains to be seen if it can survive.

This is true, however real capitalism - free market capitalism - doesn't work because it doesn't pay the full (i.e. environmental) price of production.

Free market capitalism just stop to work when it is not free, and when money is used to hide the fact that the products does not work or have bad side effects.

At least it hasn't to date, which means so far it's just been a bubble / ponzi scheme.

It has became like that. The power separations leak.

A system that paid fair wages and the full costs of production, and had a free market and a government limited to providing infrastructure could be called successful capitalism (or it could equally be called successful communism) but we don't have it yet,

We lost it, from time to time.

and until we do we can't claim that we've ever had a system that works.

Capitalism works very well, unless it get sick. Everything alive can get think. To attack capitalism, is like judging that blood is the culprit of cancer, because blood feed the cancer cells. But blood (money) is not the culprit: it is the cancer cells which pervert the blood circulation, and it is the bandits which pervert the economy.

Hence my earlier comments about (what we've been calling) capitalism heading towards the greatest death toll of all, unless we sort out the encironmental aspects p.d.q.

"Why use non sustainable oil instead of sustainable hemp like we did since always?" asked Henry Ford in the early years of the 20th century. Answer: because hemp is the mexican horrible killing drug (was the answer, based on fake studies, propaganda, etc.). That's not capitalism, that's banditism. It destroys both bodies and environment, which are the last things the bandits are concerned with.


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