An apt question (for me) is how knowing that we dwell within a Diophantine 
equation help matters? Help, our specie in either engineering (building new 
stuff) or mentally? Or is the Diophantine thing, just a mental buzz that people 
gifted with tightly, wired neurons, (spindle cells?) find great pleasure? I 
envy you your intellectual superiority in this (no, I am not mocking!) and just 
wanting to place this in my own mind, being, a witless, dirty fingered, 
dust-footed American peasant. All the best

Spud the peasant (grubby)

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Marchal <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Thu, Aug 2, 2018 5:07 am
Subject: Re: Do we live within a Diophantine equation?

On 1 Aug 2018, at 23:36, Brent Meeker <> wrote:


If the cat is              always in a mixed state, discussing decoherence 
times in              the context of this wf make no sense, at least to me. But 
             if you insist on this, mustn't the overall wf be a mixed           
   state, making the radioactive source, and so forth, also              mixed 
    An atom can be in a superposition of decayed and not decayed because    it 
is relatively isolated. 

An atom can be measured as being in a superposition state BY YOU because it is 
relatively isolated FROM YOU.

If an atom is in a superposition state, QM-without collapse explains this, and 
explain why you cannot directly see the superposition if you interact with the 
atom. But the superposition never disappeared, it has only be be contagious on 
your own state, and like in the WM-duplication, each “copies” see the atom like 
it has deciphered and lost its means to show interferences. 


 It doesn't radiate IR photons or have    other interactions with the 
environment.  Haven't you read    Schlosshauer's paper yet?

                Unrelated to this issue AFAICT. If the superposition            
    with the cat used as a starting point for your                decoherence 
analysis doesn't exist as representing                anything, it's baffling 
that any conclusions can be                reached. OTOH, if the two component 
states are mixed,                that's a fact that seems never in evidence, 
certainly                not in what I have read about decoherence theory. AG 

, you have                          a two state system using the standard       
                   interpretation of superposition, meaning the                 
         system is in both states simultaneously, not a                         
 mixed state. AG 

              Isn't this the standard interpretation of a                
superposition of states? AG 
It doesn't go away                                            because the 
decoherence time                                            is exceedingly 
                                    Yes is does go away.  Even light            
                        can't travel the length of a cat in                     
               a nano-second.  
And for this reason I                                            still conclude 
that                                            Schroedinger correctly          
                                  pointed out the fallacy in                    
                        the standard interpretation                             
               of superposition; namely,                                        
    that the system represented                                            by a 
superposition, is in                                            all components 
states                                            simultaneously. AG 
                                    It's not a fallacy.  It just doesn't        
                            apply to the cat or other                           
         macroscopic objects, with rare                                    
laboratory exceptions. 

than slit experiments where                                      superposition 
can be interpreted                                      as the system being in 
both                                      component states simultaneously,      
                                why is this interpretation                      
                extendable to all isolated quantum                              
        systems? AG 
                            ?? Any system can be mathematically                 
           represented as being in a superposition of                           
 different basis states.  It's just a                            consequence of 
being a vector in a vector                            space.  Any vector can be 
written as a sum                            of other vectors. 

                            OK,                                never had a 
problem with this. AG
 Your use of                            the words  "interpreted" and "this      
                      interpretation" is unclear.
I am                                using those words as I think                
                Schroedinger did, where he assumes a                            
    system in a superposition of states, is                                in 
all component states simultaneously.                                It is from 
that assumption, or                                interpretation, that he 
finds the                                contradiction or absurdity of a cat    
                            alive and dead simultaneously. AG
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