> On 9 Feb 2019, at 10:22, Philip Thrift <cloudver...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Friday, February 8, 2019 at 5:53:01 PM UTC-6, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 4 Feb 2019, at 19:09, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
>> wrote:
>> As I have said, I am language-oriented. What this means is that I say that 
>> science (from that perspective) is a collection of domain-specific languages 
>> - general relativity, particle physics, chemistry, microbiology, cellular 
>> biology, neurobiology, psychology, sociology,  ,…
> They all use English. The theories differ but sometimes can be related, like 
> chemistry is in principle reducible to quantum mechanics, with electron 
> playing a preponderant role. Yet, high level chemistry will develop higher 
> level tools not always easily reducible to quantum physics. 
> For the mind body problem, with mechanism, we have the choice of choosing any 
> language, and any Turing complete theory. The machine theology (G*), which 
> should include physics, is theory independent. The physical reality is phi_i 
> independent.
> There is English. But there is also also a collection of mathematical 
> language "dialects", like "Lagrangian":
> This Is What The Standard Model of Physics Actually Looks Like
> https://www.sciencealert.com/this-is-what-the-standard-model-of-physics-actually-looks-like
> "The Lagrangian is a fancy way of writing an equation to determine the state 
> of a changing system and explain the maximum possible energy the system can 
> maintain ... Despite appearances, the Lagrangian is one of the easiest and 
> most compact ways of presenting the theory.”

That is technical language. It is just natural language with some technical 
terms added to it. Yes, a Lagrangian contains a lot of information, but it is 
open if the setting is classical or quantum, which changes a lot the 
interpretation problem.

> Suppose there is a conference Languages for the Mind-Body Problem, including
> G*
> EMPL⁺ 

G* is a theory, not a language. G* is the same whatever classical ontological 
(Turing-complete) theory you take. (Even if you add infinity axioms, or 
super-Turing elements).

> The irony to me is that there are people talking about those languages which 
> could refer to themselves at a conference presenting those languages.
> ⁺ Experiential Modalities Programing Language 
> https://codicalist.wordpress.com/2018/10/14/experience-processing/

With mechanism, experiential modalities are given by the variant of provability 
using “ & p” in the definition, like []p & p, or []p & <>t & p. That “& p” 
makes them qualitative and undefinable by the machine concerned, but a rich 
consistent machine can study the complete theology (at the propositional level) 
of a simpler machine that she knows/believes to be sound (or just consistent).

>> - however one wants to carve them up (they are all human inventions anyway).
> “Brain” is an invention of the human, but the brain itself is more an 
> invention of nature. With mechanism, eventually nature is a result of 
> “consciousness selection or projection”. A result of sharable first person 
> indterminacies, from all “relative computational states existing in the 
> sigma_1 arithmetic"
>> The terms 'reduction', 'emergence' are really about how expressions (aka 
>> theories) in one domain language relate to (can compile to, translate to, 
>> can be defined in terms of) another domain language, rather than some 
>> teleological, causal relation.
> Non problem with this. But the representation have to be faithful, and proved 
> to be so when used. 
>> But languages have semantics, including the "what" they are about.
> Yes. Languages and theories have semantics. That is what mathematical logic 
> is all about. Proof theory, Model theory, and the relation between proofs and 
> model, where a model is usually a mathematical structure verifying the 
> statements of the theory.
> Even though the terms "model", "interpretation", "domain of discourse" etc. 
> are used  in mathematical logic [ 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_arithmetic : "The domain of discourse is 
> the set N  of natural numbers..This structure is known as the standard model 
> or intended interpretation of first-order arithmetic."], I've thought more 
> recently of using substrate instead.

Hmm… that would augment the probability of doing a mistake already done by 
early pythagoreans: to believe that arithmeticalism (only numbers) entails that 
there are things made of numbers. But Mechanism is more idealistic; the only 
“non-number-theoretical things” are only dreamed by numbers, through the 
computations mimicking them correctly in arithmetic (which exist by the digital 
mechanist assumption).

>> In the case of an experience processing language, there would be some 
>> fundamental "atoms" or "units" of experientiality, like  ψbits.
> Experience is usually private and non provable. But when machine’s introspect 
> themselves they got reason to believe in such true, from their perspective, 
> statement which are non provable.
> A unit of experience does not make sense to me, to be honest. Subjective 
> experience does not admit third person description at all, although they do 
> admit meta-pointers to them, thanks our Mechanist admission of the invariance 
> of consciousness for some digital transformation.
> Consciousness is not material. It indexical, relational, and the attribute of 
> some higher order “hero” or person. Person are conscious, not things. I tend 
> to believe that bacteria are already conscious, but that consciousness is not 
> much more differentiate than the universal consciousness of its environment. 
> It is an altered state of consciousness, quite unlike the usual mundane one, 
> which refers to long and complex path. With mechanism there might be reason 
> to expect us being very rare in the physical reality.
> Consciousness is primitively the knowledge of our existence, but it is not 
> definable, nor provable, yet indubitable. All (Löbian) universal machine 
> already knows that. Consciousness is not really just consistency, but it is 
> the semantic, or truth, of that consistency. The hero get that something is 
> happening.
> Bruno
> On the "units of experience", that's the concern of the micropsychism 
> literature. I wrote something yesterday on this in the context of John 
> Archibald Wheeler's "it from bit":
> https://codicalist.wordpress.com/2019/02/08/2bits-qbits-xbits-a-cosmos/

Sum up it here please. It is an important issue. Thank you (in advance).


> - pt
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