The environment which we all have lived, is a plutocracy, so unless one can 
contribute massive cash against one's enemies, by bribing politicians with 
donations, and, or, their employment after their political careers end, we end 
up being serfs. That doesn't mean serfs will walk away from an argument, 
because of a provocation, but it ensures the net effect is likely useless, 
except to charge up our limbic systems. It can be as good as exercise I have 

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <>
To: <>
Sent: Fri, Jun 7, 2019 8:59 pm
Subject: Re: anrcho-libertarianism

 Well said Lawrence.... I used to become pulled in to the churning (and 
pointless) vortex of politics, but life is far too short for that exercise in 
Far better to open oneself instead to the transcendent ineffable experience of 
the many wonders of life and of the immediate impactful experience of living 
life, alive with spontaneous being, than to waste endless hours in "debate".... 
debate that changes nothing except raising blood pressure.

 On Fri, Jun 7, 2019 at 5:33 PM, Lawrence 
Crowell<> wrote:   The situation is hopeless. I 
correspond with someone who is a communist, and have gotten into some 
arguments. The argument here, though the words are different, has much the same 
sort of thinking. Politics in general is a sort of brain infection that causes 
neuron to seize up when any cognitive dissonance occurs, and these neuron go 
into an overdrive with various output that has no bounds of actual reason or 
limits on what is preposterous. The ideological meme is "uber alles" and it is 
upheld for a fortress of words. Religion has this property. 

On Thursday, June 6, 2019 at 7:43:35 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote:
 On 6/6/2019 3:53 PM, John Clark wrote:
   On Thu, Jun 6, 2019 at 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List 
<everyth...@googlegroups. com> wrote:
>> There will be a Private Protection Agency  protecting Jews and if there is 
>> another one that is trying to kill them then the employees of both agencies 
>> will have very dangerous jobs and both will expect to be very well payed . 
  > Those are called armies.  So why didn't the Jews have an army?   
  The Jews didn't have an army to protect them because of government,  a 
government that was powerful enough to enforce its decrees, such as there can 
only be one army and they were the only one that could conscript men into it, 
and the only one that could make laws, and the only one that could collect 
taxers to pay for the army.  
 And why would it be any different if the Nazi PPA decided to collect taxes 
from the Jews?  It would be a government powerful enough to do so.   As long as 
they live together in the same area they will have to have a lot of the same 
 > What you're suggesting is every man for himself.  
  No, I'm just suggesting if we were starting from scratch it would be better 
if the group one belong to was not forced and was based on more than just 
geographical location. I'm suggesting it would be better if people had some 
choice about which set of laws they would obey. Obviously the laws can't be 
tailor made specifically for just one individual like your "every man for 
himself" straw man, that would never work, but it's weird people worry so much 
about corporate monopolies but are oblivious to the largest monopoly of them 
all, the government.    
 They worry more about corporate monopolies because (1) There are not the 
checks and balances of our government.  The board is elected and they appoint a 
CEO.  The documents of incorporation, even if they say something about fairness 
and rights, are not overseen by any courts.  So it's effectively an oligarchy 
that elects a dictator.  (2) Big corporations wield more economic power and 
influence than many nation states, yet they are narrowly focused on making 
money.  They're not going to provide education or clean up the environment or 
provide health care.  Their officers only have a fiduciary responsibilty.  So 
one they can do with their economic power is capture government and thus wield 
both economic and military and law enforcement power. 
   And if you took all the evil every corporation has ever done and 
concentrated it into one spot it would amount to little more than rudeness 
compared to the horrors committed by government;    
 You're ignoring the role that corporations have played in supporting those 
governments.  Mussolini said that fascism would be better called corporatism 
because it was the merging of corporate and state power.
   yes Facebook may not have treated the private information of its users with 
enough respect but at least it didn't stick them into ovens.   
 But Ligget and Meyers gave people lung cancer.
  I'm suggesting it would have been nice of the Jews had been given some 
choice. In 1933 if the Nazis didn't have a monopoly on making laws collecting 
taxes conscripting men and forming armies I'm sure the 6 million Jews would 
have chosen a Private Protection Agency that  enforced a law that said you 
can't murder Jews. Unfortunatly the Jews couldn't do that in 1933 due to the 
government monopoly. 
 Sure.  But the Jewish PPA might have decided that it was really a good thing 
to kill Palestinians and take their land.
  > That's my main criticism of assumes people are just 
motivated by money.  Money's only one form of power.  German soldiers were not 
especially well paid by the Nazis.  
  True, they were payed little and yet Nazi soldiers fought with great bravery. 
Why? One reason is they'd be shot if they didn't. Another reason is that among 
all the other monopolies the Nazis also had a monopoly on education and the 
distribution of information and could therefore indoctrinate the population 
with crap like the importance of the Fatherland, and total obedience, and 
sacrifice, and courage, and martial glory.
 And hatred of Jews, which went back at least to Martin Luther, waaay before 
Hitler.  Before Germany was even a country.
 Make Deutschland Great Again.
 > Did Osama pay the 9/11 guys well?
  Yes, he promised they would each get payed 77 virgins after they performed 
that little task, and being religious, they fell for it.  
   > I'm reminded of Bruno's theory that everything is computation...and so 
everything must be explainable in terms of computation.
  That's not the fundamental problem with Bruno's theory, it's the idea a pure 
number can make a calculation. 
  John K Clark    
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