Minsky's Guy in a Box, doesn't thrill me, Bruno. We may get to Moravec's 2G 
robot servant phase, not sure about 3 (they plead with us to be considered 
conscious).  What thrills me is the idea that AI dumb or conscious, can improve 
on the inventions we have made, and make new inventions, which would change the 
way we all live. Religions will evolve because they are socially useful, and my 
concern about Islam stands. AI, which, will change the way we all live equals a 
Singularity, once it gets in high gear. When, is a gigantic question. But it's 
impact on faith will be unmistakable. The religions will have to adjust.  Where 
do you pray toward when performing the shahada in the morning, if living on 
Mars? Easy, toward the earth, where Mecca is. Now, at what time do you do this, 
Mecca-time, or Mars time. Plus, the rising of the sun is a few light-minutes 
later (4:00 ?). Christmas on Mars? Santa Claus versus the Martians! 
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058548/For you, who's religion is mathematics, 
you might use your new, vastly, improved AI to solve for P=NP!

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be>
To: everything-list <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wed, Sep 4, 2019 3:44 am
Subject: Re: Quantum Foam

On 3 Sep 2019, at 02:44, spudboy100 via Everything List 
<everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Well, I tend not to disagree with you concerning Islam (The Uma) doing nothing 
about the Islamists, so that Kuffar lives (infidels) don't really matter under 
Sharia Law; and no we shouldn't opt to live under their Dhimmi Laws, in which 
we and our grandkids resign ourselves to permanent 2nd or 3rd class status (If 
Pakistan is any example?). The Ahmadis within Islam don't hold these values 
toward kuffar, and are hated by Sunni & Shia for their 'disloyalty.'  I can see 
religions evolving because of this Singularity evolves, or errupts, as you have 
indicated below. My idea of a Singularity is way different from most people 
familiar with the term. I think that when AI gets harnessed more & more to the 
task of improving on, and creating wholly new inventions, this will change 
human life forever. (For the better). Minsky's brain in a box is nice, and good 
for stories and movies, but that is a secondary or tertiary thing. 

The singularity belongs to the past, and is the discovery of the universal 
machine or number, by Emil Post, Alan Turing, Alonzo Church, Stephen Kleene, …
That machine is maximally intelligent and conscious (although in a highly 
dissociated mode).
We can only make it more stupid. The “new” singularity is when the machine will 
be as stupid as the humans.
The more neurons you have, the greatest is the range of the potential 
stupidity, which accompanies intelligence, and the competence which 
intelligence can make growing.
Intelligence and consciousness are simple. Competence is multiple, have many 
incomparable degrees, is domain dependent, and it has a negative feedback on 

-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Crowell <goldenfieldquaterni...@gmail.com>
To: Everything List <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, Sep 2, 2019 11:16 am
Subject: Re: Quantum Foam

On Sunday, September 1, 2019 at 9:57:43 PM UTC-5, spudb...@aol.com wrote:
My guess, even if "young Crowell" objects,  is that religion confers an 
evolutionary advantage to those so, deluded. Thus they, we, breed more 
offspring with this psychological trait, whilst the socialists doth diminish, 
hence, their mad- rush by progressives, worldwide, to embrace the Islamists as 
their chums, those wielders of the jihad. Chief enemy? Oh, any nationalist of 
any type will do. In any case, as it confers evolutionary advantage, the 
religions will evolve in their own Darwinian fashion, because around these 
regions, them's the rules! Nationalism, can surely be suicidal among the 
pig-ignorant, but among the more nuanced it too,  can be am effective tool of 
survival. With religions tuned toward survival, even yes, postmortem, survival, 
as illusionary, as this may be; this also is a good evolutionary trait!   May, 
the Spaghetti Monster guide thy path! 

For subsistence people the distinction between nature and spirits or 
supernature does not exist, and these provide a narrative framework for 
communicating information about the environment. We more modern people no 
longer really have a need for mythic thinking for survival, but it is still 
there. It has been used as a way to control people and society. 
As someone on the more progressive side of things, I have mixed sense about 
Islam. I am opposed to any mistreatment of Muslims, but I see the religion as 
frankly pernicious. I read a translation of the Koran after 9/11 and frankly 
the only book I ever read that shocked with as much ideological horror is Adolf 
Hitler's Mein Kampf. During the cold war we did not permit Russian communists 
to emigrate to the US if they refused to renounce communism. I can almost see 
the same with Islam, but for our Constitutional protection of religious 
freedom. Some projections has Islam as the world majority world religion by 
2070, but based on other projections the world implosion may be underway and 
Islam will just feast on the rotting corpse of the modern world --- never to 
arise again. 
I think humanity is approaching a sort of peak of all that we may come to know, 
prove, discover, create and invent. I think before long Homo sapiens will be 
slouching back to a stone age. The whole period we are in with civilization may 
be little more than an intermediate period between the Pleistocene stone age 
where the Earth was rich and abundant and the next stone age where Earth will 
be depleted and polluted. If so then mythic thinking might again have real 
survival benefits. If Islam takes control of the start into the next stone age, 
then frankly I could care less.
My point with respect to this list though is that I think this is supposed to 
be largely about scientific questions and subjects. I did not subscribe to this 
in order to get screeds about Islam or any other religion.
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